Please help us…
Dear Patients
Locally and Nationally Primary Care GP workload is extraordinarily high at present and we too as a Practice are feeling the strain. We ask for your support by simply requesting that you adhere to our preferred communication methods and we ask for your patience in non-emergency/urgent healthcare wants/needs. We are doing our upmost to respond quickly and to continue delivering safe/ effective care
Our phone lines
We note that patients are finding it difficult to get through to us, with either engaged tones or long queuing waiting times. We are doing all we can to improve things. Please help us to help you.
- Busy periods are 08:00 – 10:30 and 12:00 -14:00. If your query is non urgent please try calling outside of these times.
- Please consider the call handlers time. We want to maintain good customer service levels but wish to move on calls quickly and decisively so please don’t be offended if you feel rushed. Please do not engage in social conversations and have your diaries ready to check appointment availability.
- Prescriptions will not be taken over the phone. This is for safety reasons as prescription errors are more likely over the phone and errors can cause harm to patients. Please do not call regarding this.
- Use our preferred contact methods below where able.
We are looking into a new phone systems to help expand our call queuing functionality and increasing line capacity so at least you do not get met with a engaged tone.
Preferred ways to contact us regarding your healthcare
You can consult with us online via eConsult safely. eConsult will triage your condition and will best guide you as to who to seek help from and how quickly. A GP is not always the answer.
Consult Online from Home – Adelaide Medical Centre (
If you contact us by phone, expect our receptionists to ask you a number of questions. They may direct you to another service or clinician within the practice who is more suitable. We aim for Right clinician, Right service , Right timeframe, First time every time.
Ordering of repeat prescriptions. The best way is to reorder via Patient Access online or the NHSApp. Please ask the Receptionist if you need help getting signed up to the Patient Access service. If you are unable to request online then please complete a form at the surgery or request via your local chemist.
Obtaining test results. If you use Patient access you can view your test results online. As soon as we have received and actioned them they will be visible online. Only after 3 weeks if you haven’t received please contact the surgery outside of busy periods
Sick note requests. The quickest way to get a sick note is via eConsult. Please visit Adelaide Medical Centre (
Long term condition reviews. We have changed our recall system and will be inviting patients to attend for one annual review appointment, incorporating all their Long Term Chronic Conditions,. These patients will be invited on their month of birth rather than randomly. Please wait until you are invited by the practice.
Patience please. Once you have contacted the practice and been logged on our system for a call back please do not not contact us back to chase, we do not escalate repeat callers, we work through a list and only escalate according to medical priority. Please have your phone readily available, ringtone volume on loud and in phone signal so that you do not miss our calls. We will call at least twice and if we cannot get you we will usually send a text or leave a message inviting you to call back.
We are not the correct provider to call for
Life threating emergencies – Call 999
Tooth problems – contact your Dentist
Minor Eye problems – contact MECS
Major Eye problems – attend Eye Casualty
Minor illness, bites, stings or rashes – visit a local Pharmacist
Minor injuries – contact 111 and ask to book an MIU appointment in Andover
Pregnancy related queries – contact your midwife
Sexual Health concerns – contact 0300 300 2016