‘Right Clinician, Right Time, Right Place’ – Who Do I See?

See A-Z topics below for how to best access help for common medical problems including useful phone numbers and websites.

Please have a look at the advice provided before contacting the practice as you may not require an appointment to get the help you need. Please also make use of the NHS website and local pharmacies for self care advice for treatment for minor illness and ailments.

To contact us for assistance you can:

Submit an E consult. You will receive a response by the end of the next working day (often the same day). Depending on the nature of the issue, you will be contacted by the same day triage team or given an appointment with your GP or another member of the team.

Book a routine GP appointment via reception. We encourage you to consult with your registered or ‘named’ GP wherever possible for continuity of care and to build the doctor – patient relationship. We aim to be able to offer you a routine GP appointment within 2 weeks.

If you have an urgent problem that requires same day attention, contact reception for the same day emergency triage line. Please be aware that only clinically urgent issues will be dealt with by the triage team and you may be redirected to a more suitable service or appointment type. The triage team consists of a GP and a team of Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs). You will be asked to provide the reason for the appointment and must be available to take a call back at any time. If you require a face to face appointment you will be expected to attend the same day. We do not provide a walk in and wait service.

For ongoing/longer term problems then please book in to discuss with your registered GP in a routine appointment.

There are only a set number of emergency appointments each day so please do not abuse this service. For patient safety, once all the available appointments for the day have been taken, you will be re-directed to an alternative service such as NHS 111.

Abdominal Pain

Who Do I See?

Attend A+E if the pain is sudden and/or severe

Contact us for the same day triage team for new and worsening abdominal pains

Routine GP appointment for longer standing symptoms or ongoing concerns


There are a variety of reasons for abdominal pain. The nature of the pain, the location and when it occurs help to give us an idea of what the cause may be. Blood tests and urine or stool samples may be needed to help make the diagnosis.

The NHS website has more information about the different causes for abdominal pain. A pharmacist can help with common simple problems such as indigestion, IBS and constipation.

Stomach ache – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

For children:

Abdominal pain (tummy ache) :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)


Who Do I See?

Submit an eConsult or arrange a routine GP appointment


Acne is a common skin condition that causes black, white or red spots, most commonly on the face. Most patients with acne are aged between 12 and 25 but older people can also be affected. Men are more commonly affected than women. Acne usually affects the face but may also affect the back, neck and chest.

About 8 in 10 teenagers develop some degree of acne with 3 in 10 teenagers having acne severe enough to need treatment to prevent scarring. Untreated acne usually lasts about 4-5 years before settling by itself.

Treatment may include medicated creams or taking daily low dose antibiotics. Some simple products are available from the pharmacy without the need for prescription and are worth trying first for milder cases.

For more intensive treatments such as Roaccutane, a referral to a Dermatologist is required. This can only be offered once all other treatments have been trialled.

There is more information below.

PIL-Acne_2022-05-24-125045_jtuy.pdf (pcds.org.uk)

Acne-PIL-JULY-2020.pdf (bad.org.uk)

ACR Test


ACR testing is an important part of diabetes care and checks the health of our kidneys. If you have been asked to provide an ACR test please drop this off to reception and ensure you have labelled your sample.

This needs to be an early morning urine sample, in a yellow specimen tube and be clearly labelled with your name, DOB, time and date of collection.

Urine albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


For school aged children, school are best placed to advise and support and the school team can make any necessary referrals for assessment, GP input is not required

For adults, submit an eConsult, book a routine GP appointment or access online resources


For concerns about ADHD in your child:

If they are school age, please discuss any concerns directly with your child’s school first as they are best placed to provide additional support and can arrange any onward referrals for formal testing without GP input. The Hampshire CAMHS service provides the ADHD assessment service locally.

As a parent, you can also self refer in to this service without the need for a GP or school referral.

Does my child have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)? :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – CAMHS (hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk)

Please read the document ‘ADHD service leaflet’ before completing the referral form.

Should I make a referral? – CAMHS (hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk)


ADHD and Mental Health | Signs and Symptoms of ADHD | YoungMinds

Hampshire Specialist Parenting Support Service (HSPSS) (autism.org.uk)

Primary Behaviour Service (hants.gov.uk)

Primary Behaviour Service – Wellbeing Support Service (hants.gov.uk)

Hampshire and IOW Support for Neurodiverse Families | Barnardo’s (barnardos.org.uk)

Home – HYA (hampshireyouthaccess.org.uk)

Information About Mental Health Medication | YoungMinds

Please see section Mental Health Support for Young People for more advice

For concerns regarding ADHD for adults:

If you would like to request an assessment for a ADHD diagnosis please first take a look at all the information below.

If you are unsure or would like to discuss your concerns with a GP then please arrange a routine appointment.

If you simply wish to be referred for an ADHD assessment without a prior discussion please let us know via reception or through an eConsult. You will need to complete the PHL referral form which will be generated for you once we are aware of the request.

With either option, please first either undertake the self report questionnaire below or ask to be sent the questionnaire via SMS so that we can understand the severity of your symptoms, this forms an important part of your referral.

To obtain a diagnosis you will then need to be referred to a specialist team for an assessment. The waiting time for this can be lengthy, our local provider (PHL) is detailed below.

The right to choose scheme, website below, is an alternative option for some who are happy to travel further afield.

Please be aware that our team will only prescribe medication based on a shared care agreement with an NHS (non private) provider. If you choose to use a private company to obtain a diagnosis, you will still need to be seen on the NHS to access medication.

ADHD self report questionnaire:

10852_elto_question_fhp2.PDF (sabp.nhs.uk) or at ADHD Screening Test for adults – Think ADHD

ADHD Service – PHL Group Ltd

ADHD Service (phlgroup.co.uk)

Right to Choose | ADHD UK

ADHD – Psychiatry-UK

For more info on ADHD and support services:

ADHD UK – Homepage – ADHD UK

ADDISS (ADHD information services) or 020 8952 2800

Me_Myself_and_ADHD.pdf (sabp.nhs.uk)

AADD-UK | The site for and by adults with ADHD (aadduk.org)

What is ADHD? (ukaan.org)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

ADHD in adults | Royal College of Psychiatrists (rcpsych.ac.uk)

ADHD and you | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

ADHD Coaching – Life Coach Directory (lifecoach-directory.org.uk)

(35) King’s College London: Neurobiology Animation – YouTube

(35) ADHD Explained in 3 Minutes – YouTube

These books are also recommended:

Delivered From Distraction – Getting The Most Out of Life With ADHD by John Ratey

Fast Minds: How to Thrive If You Have ADHD by Craig Surman

Support in the workplace:

Access To Work – Support for Disabilities/ Health Conditions (adhduk.co.uk)

Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition: What Access to Work is – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

ADHD in the workplace (berkshirehealthcare.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?

Online Support Services

Talking Therapies


Anger is a normal emotion that everyone experiences. We can feel angry for lots of different reasons and sometimes you may not know why you are feeling so angry. Learning to identify and manage your anger in a safe way will help ensure you don’t hurt yourself, others or the things around you.

Tips for when you start to feel angry

  • Talking to someone to help to put things in perspective
  • Listening to music
  • Taking slow, deep breaths
  • Going for a walk
  • Having a bath
  • Try meditation or yoga
  • Playing a high energy sport like football, cycling or running
  • Playing a computer game
  • Drawing, painting or writing in your diary to let out how you feel

It is impossible to never get angry. Remember that the way you act when you are angry can make what happens afterwards better or worse. Uncontrolled anger can be harmful, but you can learn to manage it.

Treatment and support for anger issues – Mind

Get help with anger – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Anger Management (supportline.org.uk)

What To Do If You Are Struggling With Anger | YoungMinds


Routine GP appointment or same day triage team if in crisis

Self refer for talking therapies/counselling


As part of our wider team we are lucky to have mental health practitioners from the Primary Care Mental Health Team and from the charity Mind working with us. You can book an appointment directly via reception (age 18+).

You can also self refer to Hampshire Talking Therapy and Andover Mind for free support and counselling;

Call Mind on 0300 123 3393

italk, Hampshire’s NHS Talking Therapy Service

There is lots of help and support available online which you may like to take a look at before your appointment.

Anxiety – Every Mind Matters – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Anxiety and panic attacks | Mind, the mental health charity – help for mental health problems

SilverCloud, free and easy to access online CBT (italk.org.uk)

Guided Meditation and Mindfulness – The Headspace App

moodgym – Interactive skills training for depression and anxiety

Calm – The #1 App for Meditation and Sleep

Speak to the GP for advice on medication.

Treatment – Generalised anxiety disorder in adults – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

For younger patients: see also Mental Health Support for Young People section

Free Youth Counselling Services for Young People (stepbystep.org.uk)

Home – HYA (hampshireyouthaccess.org.uk)

Anxiety (worry) – CAMHS (hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk)

Self-Soothe Box – CAMHS (hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Attend A&E for any concerns over an acute asthma attack

When to go to A&E | Asthma UK

See the same day triage team for worsening asthma symptoms – acute cough, wheeze, shortness of breath

See the asthma nurse or specialist pharmacist for routine care

As part of routine asthma care, you will be invited for an annual review with the asthma nurse or specialist pharmacist in the month of your birth. If you are having issues with your inhalers or feel your asthma control is slipping then please make an appointment with the nurse via reception.


Asthma – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Health advice | Asthma UK

Asthma UK run a helpline Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Helpline | Asthma UK

Alcohol Advice

Who do I see?
Inclusion Hampshire


You can self refer to Inclusion Hampshire for support with drug and alcohol problems affecting you or a family member.
Please visit:

Home – Inclusion Hants

Alcohol.pdf (hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk)

Alcohol support – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Alcoholics Anonymous Great Britain (alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk)

Speak to a GP routinely if you have concerns over any physical health symptoms related to excess alcohol intake.


Who do I see?

999/A+E for any concerns over an anaphylactic allergic reaction

Community pharmacist or same day triage team for non anaphylactic allergic reactions

Routine GP appointment for recurrent/chronic reactions or concerns over specific allergies/allergy testing


Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction that happens very quickly, usually within minutes of coming into contact with something you’re allergic to such as food, medicine or insect stings. Call 999 if you think you or someone else is having an anaphylactic reaction.

Anaphylaxis: Signs and Symptoms | Anaphylaxis UK | Anaphylaxis UK

There are many other different types of allergies, for example:

Hay fever


Food allergies Food Allergy | Allergy UK | National Charity

Drug allergies

Cow’s milk allergies

Urticaria (an allergic rash, also known as nettle rash or hives) Urticaria and Other Skin Allergy | Allergy UK | National Charity

Types of Allergies | Allergy UK | National Charity

If you have an allergic reaction but do not have an anaphylactic reaction you may experience symptoms such as an itchy rash, urticaria/hives, skin irritation or swelling at the site. The main stay of treatment is anti histamines which can be obtained over the counter and are a handy thing to keep in your medicine cabinet. Steroid creams may also be recommended. A pharmacist can help with simple allergic reactions.

Andover PCN

Who do I see?

The PCN team


Since the NHS was created in 1948, the population has grown and people are living longer. Many people are living with long term conditions such as diabetes and heart disease or suffer with mental health issues and may need to access their local health services more often.

To meet these needs, GP practices are working together with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas in groups of practices known as primary care networks (PCNs).

PCNs build on existing primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care for people close to home. Clinicians describe this as a change from reactively providing appointments to proactively caring for the people and communities they serve.

Each of the 1,250 PCNs across England are based on GP registered patient lists, typically serving natural communities of between 30,000 to 50,000 people (with some flexibility). They are small enough to provide the personal care valued by both people and GPs, but large enough to have impact and economies of scale through better collaboration between GP practices and others in the local health and social care system.

Primary Care Networks Animation – YouTube

Andover Primary Care Network is a collaborative project involving the following GP Surgeries:

  • Adelaide Medical Centre
  • Andover Health Centre Medical Practice
  • Charlton Hill Surgery
  • Shepherds Spring Medical Centre
  • St Mary’s Surgery

If you are a patient at one of these surgeries then you can benefit from the services provided by Andover Primary Care Network.

Check out their website for services they provide including: social prescribing, mental health support services, support for carers and veterans, cancer care and more. You can reach out to them directly or via the AMC team.

Andover Primary Care Network – A primary healthcare organisation committed to quality care and health improvement in the community (andoverpcn.co.uk)

Athlete’s Foot

Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy


Athlete’s foot is a common skin infection caused by a fungus. Treatment with an antifungal cream usually works well and is available without the need for a prescription.

Athlete’s foot – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Athlete’s Foot | Symptoms, Treatment and Medication | How to avoid | Patient

Atrial Fibrillation

Who do I see?
GP for diagnosis

Practice nurse for annual review


Atrial fibrillation is a heart condition that causes an irregular and often abnormally fast heart rate. Some people say it feels like their heart is fluttering or racing (known as palpitations). It is the most common heart rhythm disturbance and affects 1.4 million people in the UK. It becomes more common as we get older and affects more men than women.

Atrial fibrillation might come and go (called paroxysmal atrial fibrillation), but often it will be permanent. It’s not life-threatening, but it is considered serious because it could create blood clots in the heart that may lead to a stroke.

You should see the GP for a formal diagnosis but you can also detect it by feeling your pulse at your wrist. A normal heart rate is regular and usually between 60 and 100 beats a minute when you’re resting. If you have AF, your pulse will have no set pattern and the beats might have different strengths. 

You will need an ECG (heart tracing) to diagnosis it officially.

Treatment can be different depending on the individual situation. Most patients will be recommended to start blood thinning medication to reduce the risk of stroke. Warfarin used to be commonly used but now newer medications called ‘NOACs’ are advised.

Atrial fibrillation – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Atrial fibrillation (AF) | British Heart Foundation (bhf.org.uk)

Novel anticoagulants – how they work – side effects | BHF

Audiology (Hearing Issues)

Who do I see?
Self Referral


if you have hearing aids and are having a problem with them then you can access assistance via audiology directly. More information is available on their website or on 01962 824437.

If you are worried about hearing loss and not known to the audiology service then please obtain a hearing test on the high street in the first instance and any issues will be flagged up by the service.

If the hearing loss was of sudden onset in one ear or you have pain then please contact us for the same day triage team.

Audiology :: Hampshire Hospitals

Adult services :: Hampshire Hospitals

Hearing test – 3 minutes, free, online, easy and reliable | RNID

Book Online | Book an Appointment | Specsavers

Book a Free Hearing Test | Boots Hearingcare

Some providers will offer hearing tests at home:

Hearing tests at home | Specsavers UK


Who Do I See?

Talk to school for concerns in children

Routine GP appointment for adults


Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world. One in 100 people are on the autism spectrum and there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK. 

For concerns about autism in your child:

Please be aware that referrals cannot be made until the age of 2 and a half. First review the information on these two links below.

Is my school age child autistic? :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Signs of autism in children – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

If your child is school age, speak to their teacher initially about help with accessing further support. This webpage shows you the different pathways to diagnosis.

AH_Children_in_Hampshire.pdf (autismhampshire.org.uk)

If the concern is purely regarding suspected autism, your child will be referred to the assessment service called The Owl Centre.

The school are able to make this referral for you.

Autism (ASD) Assessment (for Children) – The Owl Centre (theowltherapycentre.co.uk)

If there are co-existing concerns regarding any mental health needs then the referral goes to ‘CAMHS’. This can be done via their website as a parent referral.

Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) – CAMHS (hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk)

There are a number of support services available:

Support, advice and services for children with autism – Child Autism UK – releasing potential

Home | Autism Hampshire

Our Community Hub | More Education

Autism Spectrum Disorder – Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (padlet.com)

SENDIASS Home – Kids

Hampshire Specialist Parenting Support Service (HSPSS) (autism.org.uk)

National Autistic Society – Parent to Parent Service – BeyondAutism

What we do (autism.org.uk)

Primary Behaviour Service (hants.gov.uk)

Primary Behaviour Service – Wellbeing Support Service (hants.gov.uk)

Hampshire and IOW Support for Neurodiverse Families | Barnardo’s (barnardos.org.uk)

For concerns about autism in adults:

The Hampshire Autism Service provides a well established model of diagnosis and support for adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. For a referral, please book to speak to the GP routinely, it is helpful to make a list of symptoms or examples of situations that you struggle with. If you are able to, please complete the AQ10 questionnaire via the link below and make a note of your score. A referral to a specialist will be needed to obtain a formal diagnosis.

Adults (autism.org.uk)

Signs of autism in adults – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

AQ-10 Adult june 20th 2012.pptx (nice.org.uk)

Autism (ASD) Assessment (for Adults) – The Owl Centre (theowltherapycentre.co.uk)

Autism | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)

Autism Hampshire provides non-clinical pre and post diagnostic support including:

One-to-one individual support
Support will be based on your individual need and will be offered pre, during, and post diagnosis. It will consist of developing support plans, goal setting, and signposting.

Post diagnosis support
A post diagnosis follow-up meeting will be offered to allow you the opportunity to discuss your individual support plans. Autism Hampshire will use the diagnosis report and recommendations made by Surrey and Borders Partnership clinicians to discuss the implications of the diagnosis, and the support available.

Drop in sessions
Support, information and networking opportunities are available through regular drop in sessions.

An information line is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm to offer advice, support and signposting. The number is 02380 766 162.

Back Pain

Who do I see?
You are able to book directly to see our First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) service at the surgery OR self refer to the Physiotherapy service run by Southern Health

More information is available here:

NHS England » First contact physiotherapists

Physiotherapy form :: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

The FCP team are able to assess, diagnose and refer you on for further tests or to see a specialist if this is required.

For acutely worsening symptoms or advice on pain relief speak to the triage team.


Back pain – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Home exercises are an important part of ongoing management and can be found online

Back pain | Causes, exercises, treatments | Versus Arthritis

Written information – STarT Back – (keele.ac.uk)

Back pain | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (csp.org.uk)

If you ever develop urinary incontinence, loss of sensation around your bottom or lose control of your bowels you must attend A+E immediately as your spinal cord may be compromised.


Who do I see?
Health Visitor / School Nurse / ERIC website

Routine GP appointment if persisting problems


Bedwetting is common and often runs in families. It can be upsetting, but most children and young people will grow out of it. Many children under the age of 5 wet the bed and it is considered to be normal until this age.

It can help to keep a diary and try to understand the pattern. Constipation can also cause bed wetting in younger children. It is recommended to encourage your child to empty their bladder during the day and before bed and avoid caffeine based drinks. It is important never to punish a child for bed wetting but to use positive reinforcement when things goes well.

For children over the age of 5 an ‘enuresis alarm’ is usually the first thing to try next. These cannot be prescribed on the NHS but can be bought online.

Helping your child stay dry | Pre-school | Health for Under 5s

Bedwetting | ERIC

Bedwetting alarms | ERIC

Bereavement Support

Who do I see?

Online Support Services

GP if requiring further support


Most people will experience bereavement/grief at some point. The loss of something important or death of someone important to us can be one of the most difficult and painful life events that we experience.

Grief affects everyone differently, but many people may find that they experience a mixture of:

  • Shock or disbelief
  • Numbness/emptiness
  • Guilt
  • Despair, depression and intense sadness
  • Fear, anxiety and worry about what happens next
  • Relief  (particularly after a long illness)
  • Anger

Our reactions to the loss of a loved one particularly in the first few days and weeks following are likely to be overwhelming and intense, but gradually over time these feelings usually start to reduce. If these feelings continue and are affecting your life, there are things you can try that may help at this difficult time.

Separate support is also available if you’re finding it hard to cope with stress, anxiety or depression.

Home – Cruse Bereavement Support

Coping with bereavement – Macmillan Cancer Support

Hope Again (specifically for young people)

Get help with grief after bereavement or loss – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Sands | Stillbirth and neonatal death charity

Together, for every baby – Charity for Babies | Tommy’s (tommys.org)

Child Death Helpline – Home

The Compassionate Friends (tcf.org.uk)

Blocked ears (wax)

Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

A pharmacist can help with earwax build-up

They might recommend chemical drops to dissolve the earwax or a bulb syringe device. The earwax should fall out on its own or dissolve after about a week.

Do not use drops or a bulb if you have a hole in your eardrum (a perforated eardrum)

Layout 1 (northumbria.nhs.uk)

Non-urgent advice: Important Information

Do not use your fingers or any objects like cotton buds to remove earwax. This will push it in and make it worse.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Who do I see?
Monitor at home

Use the surgery ‘Health POD’ (ask at reception)

See HCA or Practice Nurse


Blood pressure is recorded with 2 numbers. The systolic pressure (higher number) is the force at which your heart pumps blood around your body. The diastolic pressure (lower number) is the resistance to the blood flow in the blood vessels between heartbeats when blood is pumped around your heart.

They’re both measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg).

As a general guide:

  • high blood pressure (or hypertension) is considered to be from 140/90 or more if your reading was taken at a pharmacy, GP surgery or clinic (or an average of 135/85 if it was taken at home)
  • if you’re over the age of 80, high blood pressure is considered to be from 150/90 or more if your reading was taken at a pharmacy, GP surgery or clinic (or an average of 145/85 if it was taken at home)
  • The ideal blood pressure is usually considered to be between 90/60 and 120/80.

Keeping an eye on your blood pressure is a sensible thing to do. It is simple and easy to do at home if you have access to a home monitor or can be checked in our surgery health POD – no need for an appointment, just ask at reception.

Blood pressure checks can also be performed at most local pharmacies. If the results are high, a discussion with a pharmacist or a GP at the surgery would be needed for further assessment.

High blood pressure (hypertension) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

If you already have a diagnosis of high blood pressure (hypertension) you will be invited for an annual review in the month of your birth to make sure things are well controlled.

We will want to know an up to date blood pressure reading and you will also usually require a blood test and a urine test (ACR). We will contact you when your review is due. If your blood pressure is above the target then you may be given lifestyle advice or changes to your treatment may be required.

NG136 Patient decision aid on how do I control my blood pressure? Lifestyle options and choice of medicines (nice.org.uk)

Having a blood pressure monitor at home is a great way to keep an eye on things if you are in a position to be able to purchase one. We would recommend one that goes round your arm rather than your wrist.

If you have a home blood pressure monitor then you will be able to submit home readings for your review if you prefer. You can submit them here: Consult Online from Home – Adelaide Medical Centre (webgp.com)

Please do not drop/send in home readings unless you have been asked to do so for your review. If you are worried your blood pressure is high then please speak to reception to arrange an appointment.

Blood pressure monitors: All you need to know (bhf.org.uk)

Blood Pressure UK

How to check your blood pressure:

Sit in a chair comfortably upright with your arm supported on a table beside you, with both feet on the ground. Put the cuff on your upper arm (5cm above your elbow) resting on the table, the cuff should be roughly at the level of your heart. Press the on/start button on the BP monitor and take two readings at least 1 minute apart.

Take readings twice a day for a total of 7 days, please then return your readings (and the BP monitor if borrowed) to the surgery. We can provide you with a paper diary sheet to complete or send you a link to submit electronically.

Blood Tests

Who do I see?



Blood tests are available at the surgery on a Wednesday and Saturday morning and can be booked via reception or online.

Blood tests are also available at Andover Hospital.

Phlebotomy (Blood Tests) :: Hampshire Hospitals

For children under 4 you will need to use Sophie’s Place at Winchester Hospital.

Sophie’s Place :: Hampshire Hospitals

Requests for blood tests MUST have been agreed by your doctor or other health care professional before booking your appointment.

If you have a long term / chronic condition requiring an annual blood test, you will be called for this in the month of your birth.

Blue Badge Forms

Who do I see?
Contact Hampshire County Council directly or apply online:

Blue Badge parking scheme | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)


The Blue Badge Scheme is for people with severe mobility problems to allow them to park closer to where they need to go. The scheme is managed by local authorities who deal with applications and issue the badges.

GOV.UK has more details about the Blue Badge scheme, including information about applying for a Blue Badge.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Triage team


A boil is a hard and painful lump that fills with pus. Most boils will go away on their own.

Speak to the GP if you keep getting them as you may require further tests to investigate the cause.

If you are worried about a significant infection then please speak to the triage team.

Boils – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Bowel Cancer Screening Programme

Who do I see?
National Screening Programme


Bowel cancer screening is offered every 2 years to men and women aged 60 to 74 via a home postal kit. People older than this can ask for a screening kit every 2 years by calling the free helpline on 0800 707 60 60.

You can also call this number if you have missed your test.

The NHS is starting to reduce the age range for bowel cancer screening from April 2021 meaning that screening in the future will start from the age of 50.

Bowel cancer screening – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

NHS bowel cancer screening: FIT kit instructions (English) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Who do I see?
Attend A&E for sudden or severe symptoms

If an acute problem then speak to the same day triage team

Longer term problems can be discussed at a routine GP appointment

Telephone 999 or 111 if symptoms are severe.
For less serious breathing issues such as COPD flare ups or chest infections speak to the triage GP or ANP.

There are numerous causes for longer lasting or chronic breathlessness. These can include problems with the heart and lungs so it is important to seek help. You will likely be asked to attend for a blood test and a chest XRAY.

Shortness of breath – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Breast Pain (also known as Mastalgia)

Who do I see?
If you are female and aged 30+ with new breast pain and are not pregnant or breast feeding, you can self refer to the ‘Breast Symptoms Service’ by calling 0300 123 0769 Monday to Friday between 9-4pm (there is a voicemail to leave a message outside of these times). You will be assessed by one of their specialist team and further tests offered if required.

If you do not fall into this group please send an E consult or speak to reception for a routine GP appointment.


Breast pain is common and thankfully on its own, is not usually a sign of breast cancer. Pains can be cyclical or non cyclical but are often hormonal driven. There are many things you can try to help (see below) but speak to the Breast Service if it is not settling down or there any other concerns.

Breast pain – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

bcc71_breast_pain_2018.pdf (breastcancernow.org)

Breast pain: Causes, types and treatments | Breast Cancer Now

Breast Lump

Who do I see?
If you become aware of a new breast lump then please contact us via Reception or eConsult to arrange an appointment.

There are various causes for breast lumps but our primary goal is always to act quickly to exclude cancer as a diagnosis. This is more common as we become older or for those with a strong family history.


Breast lumps – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Breast Lumps: Causes and What To Do | Patient

Self examination:

Breast self-examination, or regularly checking your breasts on your own can be an important way to find breast cancer early, when it’s more likely to be treated successfully. Although no single test can detect all breast cancers early, many people report that performing a breast self-exam in combination with other screening methods can increase the odds of early detection.

How should I check my breasts? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

CoppaFeel! | Check Your Chest | Breast Cancer Awareness

Breastfeeding Advice

Who do I see?
Health Visitor

For concerns over mastitis speak to the same day triage team


There is a wealth of information and support online.

All about breastfeeding | Baby | Health for Under 5s

Breastfeeding help and support – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

National Breastfeeding Helpline – Helpline

Finding Support – The Breastfeeding Network

– KellyMom.com

The breastfeeding network also produces helpful guides on whether medications are safe to use whilst breastfeeding.

Drugs Factsheets – The Breastfeeding Network

NCT Andover Breastfeeding drop in runs on Fridays 10-11.30am at St Mary’s church, email andoverbf@gmail.com or Andover NCT on Facebook

Breast Cancer Screening

Who do I see?
Breast Screening Service


Female patients aged between 50 and 71 will be invited for breast screening every 3 years. If you think you have been missed or you are over 71 you can request breast screening by contacting the service directly.

The number is 01962 824841.

When you’ll be invited for breast screening and who should go – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Your_breast_screening_appointment_EASY_READ.pdf (hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk)

Checking your breasts at home for any changes should be undertaken regularly. There is lots of advice online about how to perform this.

How should I check my breasts? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Breast cancer – signs and symptoms | NHS – Bing video

Breast Cancer UK | Prevention Hub (breastcancerprevention.org.uk)

Bruised Ribs

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacist / Minor Injuries Unit


Broken or bruised ribs are usually caused by a fall, a blow to the chest or severe coughing. Ribs cannot be easily splinted or supported like other bones, so they’re usually left to heal naturally. Having an XRAY for a broken rib is not routinely recommended unless there are other complications.

Broken or bruised ribs – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

B12 Deficiency

Who do I see?
Routine GP appointment

HCA or Practice Nurse For Injection


Vitamin B12 is an essential part of making new cells in the body, such as new red blood cells which are made every day. Vitamin B12 is found in meat, fish, eggs and milk and a normal balanced diet usually contains enough vitamin B12. A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to anaemia and a number of other problems.

Causes can include poor dietary intake (mostly seen with vegan diets), certain medications and a condition called pernicious anaemia.

Symptoms of B12 deficiency can included tiredness, a sore mouth and tongue and pins and needles. Some patients with low B12 do not have any symptoms.

A deficiency can be detected by a simple blood test. You will also be checked for anaemia at the same time. Depending on your levels you may be recommended B12 injections or tablets and follow up testing will be required.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Pernicious Anaemia | Patient

Vitamin-B12-deficiency-Patient-factsheet-January-2021.pdf (westsuffolkccg.nhs.uk)

Vitamin B12 – Consumer (nih.gov)

Vitamins and minerals – B vitamins and folic acid – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Minor Injuries Unit / A+E

If the burn is severe or deep, caused by a chemical or electrical burn or the burn is larger than the patient’s hand please attend A+E right away.

Andover Minor Injuries Unit can assist with minor burns. To arrange an appointment please call 111

Andover Minor Injuries Clinic :: Hampshire Hospitals

If you require ongoing dressing of a wound / care of your burn please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Burns and scalds – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Cancer (diagnosis, support and treatment)

Who do I see?

Arrange a GP appointment (via reception on E consult) to discuss any new or concerning symptoms

Discuss your treatment or future plans with your cancer nurse specialist or consultant team

Access support in the community or online


If you have been referred on a fast track (also called a ‘2 week wait’) then please see below:

A fast track referral happens when your GP has concerns that your symptoms might suggest cancer. They make a referral to the hospital and an appointment to see a specialist is arranged within two weeks. It is important to remember that 9 out of 10 people referred will not have cancer.

Fast track referrals – Cancer Matters Wessex

Cancer Screening Services:

Supporting Early Cancer Diagnosis – Andover Primary Care Network (andoverpcn.co.uk)

PSA test | Macmillan Cancer Support

Breast screening (mammogram) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Cervical screening – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Cancer Support Services:

Welcome to Cancer Matters Wessex – Cancer Matters Wessex

Cancer Information And Support | Macmillan Cancer Support

Coping with cancer | Cancer Research UK

Wellbeing and Supportive Care :: Hampshire Hospitals

Cancer – Andover Primary Care Network (andoverpcn.co.uk)

Wessex Cancer Trust run a drop in service at the Health Hub in the Chantry Centre, Tuesdays 10am-1pm or contact on 023 8067 2200 or careteam@wessexcancer.org.uk

Your Free Cancer Support Services | Wessex Cancer Support

Can My Child Go To School?

Who do I see?
Online Advice (see below)


Individual schools and nurseries may have their own policies but we follow the NHS advice as below.

Do I need to keep my child off school A4 Draft 3 (hscni.net)

Should your child go to school/nursery today? :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Carers Support

Who do I see?
Online support

Andover PCN Carers Support service / Social Prescribing service


Register as a Carer – Adelaide Medical Centre

Andover PCN run a Carer Support Clinic once a month in their offices in the Chantry Centre

Carers and Young Carers – Andover Primary Care Network (andoverpcn.co.uk)

Social Prescribing – Andover Primary Care Network (andoverpcn.co.uk)

Support and benefits for carers – Social care and support guide – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Where to find support for carers – Mind

Support for carers | Age UK

Carers: help and support – Citizens Advice

Help and advice | Carers UK

Homepage – Carers Trust

The Princess Royal Trust for Carers Hampshire | Homepage (carercentre.com) or call 01264 835246

Andover Mind have a launched a peer support group for carers aged 16-25yrs, taking place on the 2nd Saturday of every month at their Wellbeing Centre on Westbrook Close at 1.30pm for an hour. You can drop in or call 01264 332 297 or email enquiries@andovermind.org.uk

For those who think they may need to set up social care for a relative/loved one:

The Care Needs Assessment Explained | Age UK

Social care and health | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)

Adult social care | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)

Carers’ assessments | Family Information and Services Hub (hants.gov.uk)

Carer’s assessment | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk) or call 0300 555 1386

Arrange a break from caring | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)

Emergency planning for carers – call 0845 604 1577 for the free service, up to 48hrs free care may be available in the event of an emergency (run by The Princess Royal Trust)

Cervical Smear

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

Once you are invited, please book an appointment with the nurse on a day that you are not bleeding or on your period.

Cervical screening is very important and helps to pick up any potential problems at an early stage so please make sure you come along for your appointment when you are called.

Smears are not able to offered unless you have an appointment letter or are overdue your test.

Cervical screening – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Cervical screening (smear test) | Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust (jostrust.org.uk)

Chest Pain

Who do I see?

Call 999 / attend A&E for severe symptoms or with any symptoms that may suggest a heart attack

Triage team

Routine GP appointment

Telephone 999 or 111 if symptoms are severe.

Symptoms of a heart attack can include sudden central chest pain, pain in the left arm, jaw and neck, nausea, anxiety, breathlessness and sweating.

If the chest pain is not severe, does not have the above features and is persisting please speak to the triage GP or ANP. If your pain is long standing please make a routine GP appointment.

There are numerous other causes for chest pains including indigestion, costochondritis, chest infections, muscular pains and more. The location, duration and nature of the pain can help us to determine the cause.

Chest pain – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Symptoms of a heart attack – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Same day triage team

Cellulitis is a skin infection that’s treated with antibiotics. It makes your skin painful, hot and swollen. The area usually looks red, but this may be less obvious on brown or black skin. It can be serious if it’s not treated quickly.

For concerns about cellulitis please speak to the triage team.

Cellulitis – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Chest Infections

Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Triage team if persisting or you have underlying health problems


Chest infections often follow colds or flu. It is not uncommon for a cough to last for 3 – 4 weeks.

Chest infections can be viral or bacterial, antibiotics are not helpful for viral chest infections and will therefore not always be recommended at your appointment.

Cough – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Chest infection – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

NHS (hereforyouhampshire.nhs.uk)

Child Development Concerns

Who do I see?
Health Visitor


Health visitors are qualified nurses or midwives who have undergone further specialist training. They can support with a variety of issues from birth up to 5 years of age. If you are worried about your child’s development they are the best people to speak to initially.

Your Health Visiting Service – Hampshire | Health for Under5s

Interactive Child Development Timeline | NHS GGC

Coils or Implants

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse or Sexual Health Clinic

For new or replacement coils and implants you can book an appointment with the practice, with the Mid Hampshire Healthcare GP Hub service via reception or use Andover Sexual Health Clinic.

Home | Sexual Health, hampshire, portsmouth, southampton (letstalkaboutit.nhs.uk)

Information about contraceptive implants.

Information about coils.


Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Antibiotics are NOT needed for the common cold, as colds are caused by a virus.

A pharmacist will be able to help with cold and flu remedies.

Common cold – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Colds, coughs and ear infections in children – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Cows Milk Protein Allergy

Who do I see?
Health Visitor

Routine GP appointment


Allergy to milk is the commonest food allergy in infants and young children and affects about 1 in 50 children. It usually starts when infants are first given cow’s milk or milk products (eg formula milk or a weaning food containing milk). About 20% of infants outgrow milk allergy by 1 year, and nearly all by 3 years.

Symptoms to look out for include rashes, diarrhoea, vomiting and failure to gain weight.

Cow’s Milk Allergy | Allergy UK | National Charity

What should I do if I think my baby is allergic or intolerant to cows’ milk? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Minor Eye Conditions Service if persistent

Same day triage team if patient under <28 days old


Conjunctivitis is common and usually will resolve without any treatment. The pharmacist can help advise and provide antibiotic drops if needed for anyone over the age of 2.

If your symptoms are not settling down or you need further assistance contact the Minor Eye Conditions Service for an assessment.

Adults: Conjunctivitis – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Children: Conjunctivitis :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) covers minor eye problems (primaryeyecare.co.uk)


Who do I see?

Hospital Team


Having a colonoscopy can be a daunting experience but is usually very straightforward and takes around 30 – 45 minutes. You can usually go home the same morning or afternoon.

Colonoscopy – What happens on the day – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Having_a_colonoscopy.pdf (hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk)

Information about the different types of bowel preparation medication is available under the Endoscopy section of the HHFT website.

Patient information leaflets :: Hampshire Hospitals


Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Same day triage team if associated with abdominal pain or bloating

Routine GP appointment if longer term problem


Constipation is common and can be caused by a variety of reasons including diet, dehydration and some medications. A pharmacist can help and simple laxative medication can be obtained over the counter. If your symptoms are progressive or not resolved with simple measures then speak to the triage team if of rapid onset and/or causing you discomfort.

Constipation – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Constipation is also very common in children, especially aged 2-3, the ERIC website has lots of information and a helpline on 0808 169 9949 for more specialist advice. Keeping well hydrated and active is important.

Bowel problems | ERIC

Constipation :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

This info site was put together by one the specialist children’s doctors and contains lots of good advice.

Childhood Constipation (cloud.microsoft)

Contraception and Family Planning

Who do I see?
GP / Practice Nurse

Please book to speak to the GP for an initial assessment. Have a look at the links below so you are aware of your options.

If you are taking the contraceptive pill you will need an annual review with the practice nurse.

Please ensure your cervical smear test is up-to-date.

Your guide to contraception – Sexwise

Your contraception guide – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Contraception Methods | Birth Control Options | Patient

Contraception information, tools and advice | SH:24 (sh24.org.uk)


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Same day triage team

A pharmacist can often help with simple or mild cases of cystitis.

Cystitis – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

If you need further assistance please speak to the triage team. Please be aware you are likely to be asked to provide a urine sample. Specimen pots are available at the front of reception.

Chronic Heart Disease

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

Annual clinic appointments will be sent to all CHD patients, this will usually be in the month of your birth. Please ask for an earlier appointment if you are worried.

We will contact you when your review is due, if you think you are overdue or have been missed then please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment.

Further information about heart disease from NHS UK.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Who do I see?

Practice Nurse


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a long-term condition where the kidneys don’t work as well as they should. It’s a common condition often associated with getting older and often doesn’t cause any symptoms. Around 10% of people in the UK have CKD, rising to 20% of people over 80.

Chronic kidney disease is usually caused by other conditions that put a strain on the kidneys such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and long term use of anti inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen.

There are different stages of CKD, from stage 1 to stage 5. the stage is determined by the results of a blood and urine test. Those patients who reach stage 4 or who have a rapidly progressive decline in their kidney function will need a referral to a specialist. Patients with stage 1-3 CKD can be monitored routinely at the surgery and you will be invited for an annual review.

Chronic kidney disease – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) | Kidney Care UK

Chronic Pain

Who do I see?

Routine GP Appointment

Online Support Services


If you have been struggling with pain for more than 12 weeks, there are many support services that can help with chronic pain. Long-term or chronic pain has many causes, such as arthritis, back problems, an old injury, illness or nerve damage amongst others.

How to get NHS help for your pain – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Ways to manage chronic pain – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

People living with Pain | British Pain Society

Pain Concern |Pain Concern | Bringing the pain community together

Chronic pain self-help guide | NHS inform

Chronic Pain Support Groups in the UK | To Better Days

English Home (retrainpain.org)

Tame the Beast

Self-help resources for pain management : University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (uclh.nhs.uk)

For Patients and Relatives | Faculty of Pain Medicine (fpm.ac.uk)

There is a chronic pain service run by HHFT that you can be referred too if eligible.

Pain (Chronic and Acute) :: Hampshire Hospitals

Cold Sores

Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Cold sores are common and usually clear up on their own within 10 days. There are things you can do to help ease the pain, and treatments that can be tried, a pharmacist will be able to guide you.

Cold sores – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Triage team if persists for more than 3 weeks

Coughs can be caused by a number of reasons including chest infections, acid reflux, smoking, post nasal drip and asthma / COPD.
A cough will usually clear up on its own within 3 to 4 weeks.
A pharmacist can help with treatments for cough.

Further information how to treat your cough from NHS UK.

NHS (hereforyouhampshire.nhs.uk)

TYIRTI Pictorial v3.3 UKHSA.doc (live.com)

Dementia / Memory Problems

Who do I see?
Concerns can be discussed in a routine GP appointment – you will usually be asked to see the nurse first for a formal memory test

Memory problems do not necessarily mean you have dementia. These problems can have other causes, such as depression and anxiety, delirium, an underactive thyroid and side effects of some medications.

To help rule out other causes of memory problems, the GP will organise further investigation with a blood test and urine test. You will also be asked to do a memory test. If you meet the threshold you would then be referred to the ‘Memory Clinic’.

How to get a dementia diagnosis – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Why is it important to get dementia diagnosed? | Alzheimer’s Society (alzheimers.org.uk)

How to get a diagnosis of dementia – Dementia UK

About dementia | Alzheimer’s Society (alzheimers.org.uk)

Dementia Support

Who do I see?
Online Resources

The Hampshire Carers Support Service

Dementia Support Hampshire


Lots of advice and support is available online and in person to help your loved ones with dementia. See also Carers section if relevant. Please not that the Dementia Support Service formerly operated by Andover Mind has sadly been closed.

Instead, the Hampshire Carers Support Service will offer a comprehensive range of assistance, including information and advice, direct one-to-one support for complex needs, and contingency and emergency planning to help carers prepare for unexpected situations. The primary goal being to ensure carers can sustain their caring roles while preserving their own health and wellbeing.

Home – The Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire (carercentre.com) or call 01264 311 680

You can call 02392 892035 for Dementia Support Hampshire, a helpline run by the Alzheimer’s Society.

Dementia Support Hampshire | Alzheimer’s Society (alzheimers.org.uk)

Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses. They are continually supported and developed by the Dementia UK charity, they provide life-changing support for families affected by all forms of dementia.

As dementia specialists, Admiral Nurses help families manage complex needs, considering the person living with dementia and the people around them. When people are struggling, our nurses help them take back control. When friends and family are worried about a loved one, they give them the confidence to manage their future with dementia.

Admiral Nurses help people living with dementia stay independent for longer – and support the people caring for them so that they will have the strength to cope with the bad days, and the energy to enjoy the good days. They run a helpine and can be reached on 0800 888 6678.

What is dementia? | Alzheimer’s Society (alzheimers.org.uk)

872 The dementia guide: Living well after your diagnosis (alzheimers.org.uk)

Eating_and_drinking_in_dementia.pdf (hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk)

What is an Admiral Nurse and how can they help? – Dementia UK

Role_of_the_admiral_nurses_and_dementia_team.pdf (hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk)

Get support | Alzheimer’s Society (alzheimers.org.uk)

Specialist support to families facing dementia | Dementia UK


Looking after someone with dementia – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Reminiscence for people with dementia – SCIE

The Princess Royal Trust for Carers Hampshire | Emergency Planning (carercentre.com)

Respite/Care Info:

Support for Carers – Paying for Respite Breaks | Carers Trust

The Care Needs Assessment Explained | Age UK

Arrange a break from caring | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)


Depot Injection (Contraception)

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

Please speak to the GP for an initial assessment when first starting and then see the nurse for your follow up injections which take place every 3 months.

Please ensure your cervical smear test is up-to-date.

Further information about the contraceptive injection from NHS UK

Diabetes Monitoring

Who do I see?
Diabetic Nurse

We will call you for your annual diabetic review in the month of your birth. You will need to have a blood test and a urine test (ACR test) prior to this appointment.

Further information about diabetes from NHS UK.

Healthy Living

TREND UK | Know Diabetes

For retinal screening information and appointments please see below.

Diabetic Eye Screening Homepage | Hampshire & Isle of Wight Diabetic Eye Screening Programme | HIOW DESP (desphiow.co.uk)

Winchester and Basingstoke Hospitals both have a specialist service for patients already under their care.

Diabetes patients resources :: Hampshire Hospitals

There are also numerous support groups available for patients with diabetes.

Local support groups | Diabetes UK

Diet / Lifestyle Changes

Who do I see?
Health Care Assistant or Practice Nurse

Our nursing team can help with dietary and lifestyle advice. Further information is available online.

BMI calculator | Check your BMI – NHS | Please fill in your details (www.nhs.uk)

Live Well – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

12-week fitness plan – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Domestic Violence Support

Who do I see?
Online Resources

Andover PCN Social Prescribing Service


Domestic violence/abuse can be defined as an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour, including sexual violence.

All forms of domestic abuse are not acceptable in any situation. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse and feel frightened of, or controlled by, a partner, an ex-partner or family member, it’s important to remember that it’s not your fault and there is no shame in seeking help.It may seem like a difficult step to take, but there is support available, you are not alone.

Free, confidential support and advice is available to victims and their concerned family members or friends, 24 hours a day.

If you are in danger please call 999 in an emergency or alert the Police routinely on 101 if more appropriate.

Domestic abuse: how to get help – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Home | Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline (nationaldahelpline.org.uk)

Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men | Men’s Advice Line UK (mensadviceline.org.uk)

I need help – information and support on domestic abuse (womensaid.org.uk)

PARAGON – Domestic abuse – sexual abuse – stalking – counselling (paragonteam.org.uk)

Homepage – Yellow Door

The Freedom Programme. Learn about domestic violence and abuse

National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247

Help For Domestic Abuse Victims | Respect Phoneline UK

Help For Domestic Abuse Perpetrators | Respect Phoneline UK

Galop – the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity

The Survivors Trust (survivors of sexual violence and abuse) 0786 0022 956


Who do I see?
DVLA Website

Online Support Services


Common queries we are approached about are stopping driving when getting older and the impact of certain health conditions on the ability to drive.

There’s no set age when a person must legally stop driving. You can continue to drive into your later years as long as you do so safely and don’t have any medical conditions that affect driving.

However, you’re required to renew your licence when you turn 70, and every 3 years after that.

Mobility centres have been set up to offer information and advice about mobility and driving. They also have trained staff who can assess someone’s driving and look at what could help them stay driving for longer. The aim of these assessments is to help older drivers continue driving for as long as they can do so safely.

If you’re seriously concerned about an older person’s driving, but they’re refusing to consider alternative options, you should write in confidence to the DVLA who may then follow up with the local police.

Southampton – Driving Mobility

How to keep driving after 70 | Age UK

Worried about someone’s driving? | Elderly drivers | Age UK

You need to tell the DVLA about some medical conditions as they can affect your driving/safety. You can be fined up to £1,000 if you do not tell DVLA about a medical condition that affects your driving.

If you have a car or motorcycle licence, you can check online if your condition needs to be reported.

You’ll then be told how to report your condition – this will either be in the online service or by printing off and sending a paper form.

Notable conditions include diabetes, strokes, epilepsy and the insertion of pacemakers.

Check if a health condition affects your driving: Find your condition on the A to Z list – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Reapply for a driving licence following a medical condition: How to reapply – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Apply for or renew a Blue Badge – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Get free vehicle tax if you’re a driver with a disability – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Apply for an older person’s bus pass – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Who do I see?
Practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant

Please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment if you require a dressing.

Drug Addiction

Who do I see?
Talk to Frank / Inclusion Hampshire

For help and support with drug addiction for yourself or a family member, take a look at the websites below. You can self refer without speaking the to the GP.

Honest information about drugs | FRANK (talktofrank.com)

Phone: 0300 1236600 for assistance.

Home – Inclusion Hants

Hampshire 24/7 | Catch22 (catch-22.org.uk)

Catch 22 is for patients under the age of 25 only. 24/7 help line for young people (0800 599 9591)

Dental Problems

Who do I see?

Please book an appointment with your dentist or find a dentist near you: 

Find a dentist – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

NHS 111 can advise on an emergency dentist if needed or use The Hampshire Dental Helpline Telephone Number: 0845 050 8345 – 8am to 9.30pm every day

Please note: our team are not qualified or insured to be able to help with dental problems and you will be re directed by the reception team. Dental problems should always be seen by the dentist. This includes pain relief requests and antibiotic prescriptions, your dentist is able to prescribe for you.

Sometimes we are asked to advise on medications for dental problems or ahead of dental procedures. As above, this should be all be dealt with by the dentist. They can access the SDCEP guidelines which are available here:

Published guidance | Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness (sdcep.org.uk)

The Special Care Dental Service provides dental care for children and adults who have special needs, including those with; learning disabilities, severe mental health problems, behavioural / management problems, child protection issues or looked after children, medical special needs, severe physical disabilities, autistic spectrum disorders, and dementia.

Family Information and Services Hub | The Special Care Dental Service (hants.gov.uk)

Delaying Periods

Who do I see?
Submit an E consult request


There are a number of ways to delay your period if needed.

How can I delay my period? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

A hormonal medication called Norethisterone can be used if it is safe for you to do so. The dose is one tablet three times a day. You start three days before your period is due. It can be continued until you want to have a period and then your period will then normally begin 2-3 days after stopping. Norethisterone should be taken for no longer than 20 days. This is only for use on an occasional basis rather than something that can be taken regularly.

Side effects can include nausea (feeling sick), breast tenderness, tiredness, bloating, reduced sex drive or headache.

Norethisterone when taken in the manner needed for period delay will not act as a contraception and you should therefore ensure alternative suitable contraception is used. This medication will not be suitable for you if you have had a previous blood clot, have a family history of blood clots, are over 35, have a BMI over 30, have liver problems or are a smoker.

If you cannot use Norethisterone you may be able to take an alternative tablet called Medroxyprogesterone instead. Although this is not licensed, it is commonly used for this reason and has a lower risk of blood clots.

Usually to delay your period a 10 mg tablet is taken two or three times a day. The course length depends on the number of days you wish to delay your period. Side effects include nausea, dizziness, headache and fluid retention.

With all medications there is a risk of side effects. With Norethisterone, there is an increased risk of blood clots. You should only use this medication to delay your period if you are happy to accept this potential risk. Please remember to stay hydrated and keep mobile on long haul flights to help reduce this risk.


Who do I see?
Self help online resources such as iTALK / Mind

Andover PCN Primary Care Mental Health Team (18+)

Same day triage team if in crisis

Routine GP appointment


As part of our team we are lucky to have mental health practitioners from the primary care mental health team working with us. You can book an appointment via reception.

You can also self refer to iTALK and Mind for free support and counselling;

Call Mind on 0300 123 3393

About depression | Mind, the mental health charity – help for mental health problems

italk, Hampshire’s NHS Talking Therapy Service

There is lots of support online which you might like to take a look at before your appointment.

SilverCloud, free and easy to access online CBT (italk.org.uk)

Depression – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

How to cope with depression – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

moodgym – Interactive skills training for depression and anxiety

For urgent help out of hours or if you find yourself in crisis you can contact the Samaritans on 116 123 for 24-hour confidential, emotional support. You can text SHOUT to 85258 or you can use NHS 111 who have a mental health service. Please see Mental Health Crisis and Suicidal Thoughts sections of this webpage.

To discuss medication for depression, please speak to the GP.

Overview – SSRI antidepressants – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Depression in Older Adults:

Depression in older adults | Royal College of Psychiatrists (rcpsych.ac.uk)

Depressions & Anxiety: Symptoms & Illnesses | Age UK

Depression in Younger People: (see also Mental Health Support for Young People section)

All the local schools should be offering a young person’s mental health/support and wellbeing service, please contact the school directly.

Home – HYA (hampshireyouthaccess.org.uk)

Be You: mental health support for 11-17 year olds – Andover Mind

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacist

Triage team if persisting

Diarrhoea is passing looser or more frequent stools than is normal for you.

It affects most people from time to time and is usually nothing to worry about.

Most cases of diarrhoea clear up after a few days without treatment, and if so, you do not need to seek medical advice.

However, diarrhoea can lead to dehydration so you should drink plenty of fluids – small, frequent sips of water – until it passes. It’s very important that babies, small children and elderly patients do not become dehydrated.

If your symptoms are persistent then please call to speak to the GP.

Further information about diarrhoea and vomiting from NHS UK.

Self-help guide: Diarrhoea | NHS inform

For children:

Diarrhoea and vomiting :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Triage ANP / GP if acute episode

Routine GP appointment if persistent problem


Dizziness includes feeling: off-balance, giddy, lightheaded or faint, like you or things around you are spinning (vertigo).

There are lots of reasons to feel dizzy, speak to a GP if it is not settling down or you are worried.

Dizziness – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Dizziness (Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment) | Patient


Who do I see?
School / Dyslexia Association


Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty that can cause problems with reading, writing and spelling.

It’s a specific learning difficulty, which means it causes problems with certain abilities used for learning, such as reading and writing.

Unlike a learning disability, intelligence isn’t affected.

It’s estimated up to 1 in every 10 people in the UK has some degree of dyslexia.

If you are concerned about your child then speak to their teacher or SENCO. For adults you will need to arrange a private assessment.

Dyslexia – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Assessments – British Dyslexia Association (bdadyslexia.org.uk)

DWP: GP letters for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Employment and Support Allowance

Who do I see?
We are unable to provide letters of support for the DWP.

The DWP will usually contact your GP or healthcare professional to obtain medical evidence when you submit a PIP or ESA claim, the information is then sent to the DWP as part of your claim process. 

We regret we are unable to provide additional letters of support as the information we provide will be included in the report requested by the DWP.

However you may request your medical records if you feel this may help your case. If you wish to have a copy of your medical records, please contact the practice who will advise accordingly. There is no charge for this.

We have provided some useful contacts shown below to help you:

Our social prescribing team may be able to help.

Social Prescribing (andoverpcn.co.uk)

Useful contacts
Action for M.E.
Information and support for people with M.E. and their carers. General enquiries: 0117 927 9551 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).

Online M.E. CentreAction for M.E

Welfare Rights Line: 0845 122 8648 (times vary)

Citizens Advice Bureau
Offers advice on a range of issues and may complete a benefits check for you. Find your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

Disability Information and Advice Line (DIAL)
To find your local DIAL office, contact Scope, 6 Market Road, London N7 9PW Tel: 0808 800 3333

Disability Rights UK
Factsheets on benefits, tax credits and independent living from disability rights uk

Local councils
Some local councils employ welfare rights workers. Your local council may also have information about other services that offer welfare rights advice in your area.

Ear Care / Ear Wax

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Practice Nurse or HCA (Health Care Assistant)

Private Providers


Ear wax is a normal body secretion, providing protection against infection and dust particles.

The ear is self-cleaning, and wax works its way out naturally.

Never use cotton wool buds to clean inside your ears, they irritate the delicate skin inside the ear canal, also pushes wax back into the ear compacting it.

A pharmacist can help with products to treat ear wax build up.

Earwax build-up – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Ear irrigation is available through the Mid Hampshire Hub service which operates out of our practice building.

Speak to reception for an appointment. You must use ear drops for the week before this appointment to soften the wax.

Ear Irrigation – What You Need To Know | Lambton Road Medical Practice

There are also a number of high street private providers who can help with wax removal.

Earwax Removal | Specsavers UK

Ear Wax Removal | Boots Hearingcare

For concerns over gradual onset hearing loss please arrange a hearing test initially via Specsavers/Boots/other local providers.

Find your nearest store | Specsavers

Book a Free Hearing Test | Boots Hearingcare

For hearing tests at home:

OutsideClinic | Healthcare at home – eye and hearing tests

Eating Disorders

Who do I see?


An eating disorder is a mental health condition where you use the control of food to cope with feelings and other situations.

Unhealthy eating behaviours may include eating too much or too little or worrying about your weight or body shape.

Anyone can get an eating disorder, but teenagers between 13 and 17 are mostly commonly affected.

For adults, there is a specialist service for further assessment called April House. Speak to the GP to discuss this in more detail.

For children, additional support is available through CAMHS.

Overview – Eating disorders – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

The UK’s Eating Disorder Charity – Beat (beateatingdisorders.org.uk)

Eating Disorders Service :: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

Eating Difficulties – CAMHS (hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk)

Early Pregnancy Referrals

Who do I see?
Self referral if applicable

Same day triage team if abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy

Winchester and Basingstoke hospitals both offer an early pregnancy assessment unit for patients up to 13 weeks pregnant.

If you have had a previous ectopic or molar pregnancy or 2 previous miscarriages you can self refer to the unit.

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) :: Hampshire Hospitals

If you are having abdominal pain or bleeding in early pregnancy please speak to the same day triage team or 111 out of hours.

Emergency Contraception

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy / Sexual Health Clinic / GP / ANP


Emergency contraception is commonly referred to as “the morning after pill”. If you have had sex without using contraception, or think your contraception might have failed, you can use emergency contraception.

You should access emergency contraception as soon as possible. In Hampshire it is free from most pharmacies.

Emergency contraception – Let’s Talk about It (letstalkaboutit.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Same day triage team if ongoing symptoms

Ear ache is common and can have various causes. A pharmacist can advise, speak to the triage GP or ANP if it is not settling down.

Earache – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Ear infections – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Ear ache is children is extremely common and usually does not require antibiotics. Please see the helpful advice below.

Earache :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Same day triage GP / ANP for any concerns over severe or infected eczema

Routine GP appointment for ongoing problems

Eczema is the name for a group of conditions that cause the skin to become itchy, inflamed, or have a rash-like appearance.

Eczema is very common. It can begin during childhood, adolescence, or adulthood and it can range from mild to severe. In the UK, one in five children and one in ten adults have eczema.

The most important part of eczema management is keeping the skin well moisturised. Steroid creams may be required for flare ups, low strength steroid creams can be purchased over the counter for adults.

Our skin and eczema | National Eczema Society

Atopic eczema – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Eye Problems

Who do I see?
For acute and urgent problems, contact the Minor Eye Conditions Service

For routine issues or longer standing deteriorating vision please contact a regular optician

The MECS service can be directly accessed online via the link below or on 01264 339369. They operate out of SpecSavers in Andover. You do not need a GP referral.

Our team can make a limited assessment of eye health only so you will usually be directed to the MECS by the reception team.

Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) covers minor eye problems (primaryeyecare.co.uk)

Find a Practice – Search for your nearest participating optical practice (primaryeyecare.co.uk)

If you have a very urgent or sight threatening problem there is an emergency ‘eye casualty’ at Southampton Hospital. You do not need an appointment, it is a walk in service.

Routine eye tests are available at high street providers such as Boots, Specsavers, Vision Express etc.

For home visits:

OutsideClinic | Healthcare at home – eye and hearing tests

Fatty Liver Disease

Who do I see?
Routine GP Appointment


Most people are aware of the link between alcohol excess and liver damage. This is known as ‘alcohol related liver disease’ (ARLD) and includes conditions such as alcoholic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

Less well known is ‘non-alcohol related fatty liver disease’ (NAFLD) which is a general term for fatty liver disease that has not been caused by alcohol. In the UK most but not all cases of NAFLD are caused by being overweight / obesity. It is very common – around 1/4 people in the UK have fatty liver disease.

Most people with NAFLD won’t develop serious liver disease but in a small number of people it can progress to cirrhosis, liver cancer or liver failure.

If you have a long term condition such as diabetes or heart disease, a liver function blood test will be included as part of your annual review. If you have abnormal liver function markers in your blood or are felt to be at high risk of NAFLD you will be offered a Fibroscan test (specialist scan of the liver) for further assessment.

You may also be offered an ultrasound scan of your liver and more specialist bloods tests.

NAFLD, NASH and fatty liver disease – British Liver Trust

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Liver Fibroscan (midhampshirehealthcare.co.uk)

Flu Vaccine

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse / HCA (Health Care Assistant)


We will invite you for your annual flu vaccine if you are eligible.

Further information about the flu vaccine from NHS UK.

Fear Of Flying

Who do I see?
Self help

Counselling services accessible online


Patients sometimes ask us to prescribe diazepam for fear of flying. There are a number of reasons why prescribing this drug is not recommended.

1) Diazepam is a sedative, which means it makes you sleepy and more relaxed. If there is an emergency during the flight it may impact your ability to concentrate, follow instructions and respond to the situation. This could have serious safety consequences for you and those around you.

2) Sedative drugs can make you fall asleep, however when you do sleep it is an unnatural non-REM sleep. This means you won’t move around as much as during natural sleep. This can cause you to be at increased risk of developing a blood clot (DVT) in the leg or even the lung. Blood clots are very dangerous and can prove fatal. This risk is even greater if your flight is greater than 4 hours.

3) Whilst most people find medications like diazepam sedating, a small number of people report agitation and increased aggression. They can also cause disinhibition and lead you to behave in a way that you would not normally. This could impact on your safety as well as that of other passengers and could also get you into trouble with the airline/law.

4) According to the prescribing guidelines doctors follow, medications such as diazepam are contraindicated (not allowed) in treating phobias. Your doctor would be taking a significant legal risk by prescribing against the guidelines. They are only licensed short term for a crisis in generalised anxiety. If this is the case, you should be getting proper care and support for your mental health and not going on a flight.

5) Diazepam and similar drugs are illegal in a number of countries. They may be confiscated or you may find yourself in trouble with the police on arrival if you are carrying them.

6) Diazepam stays in your system for quite a while. If your job requires you to submit to random drug testing you may fail this having taken diazepam.

We appreciate that fear of flying is very real and very frightening. Some airlines runs courses designed to try and help with this issue.

Fear of flying course | Fearless Flyer (easyjet.com)

flyingwithoutfear | Virgin Flying Without Fear


Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Same day triage team


Adults: A high temperature is usually considered to be 38C or above. This is sometimes called a fever. Many things can cause a high temperature, but it’s usually caused by your body fighting an infection. This may be bacterial such as a pneumonia or viral like the flu or COVID.

High temperature (fever) in adults – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Children: Fever is extremely common in children and usually suggests that your child has an infection.

Viral infections are far more common than bacterial infections. Symptoms such as runny nose, cough, wheeze, sore throat, red eyes and diarrhoea are more suggestive of a viral infection than a bacterial infection. If a number of people are unwell in the same household, this also suggests a viral infection (because viral infections are easily spread).

Viral infections tend to get better on their own and do not need treatment with antibiotics. Antibiotics may actually cause side effects such as rash and diarrhoea and can increase the risk of them developing resistance to antibiotics.

Fever / High Temperature :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Babies: Fever in babies less than 90 days of age is much more likely to be due to a serious infection requiring urgent treatment compared to fever in an older child. For this reason, all children under 90 days of age with a temperature above 38°C should be urgently reviewed by a healthcare professional.

The exception to this is babies who are up to 48 hours after receiving immunisations – it is OK to give paracetamol after the MenB vaccine without seeking medical advice if your baby is otherwise well.

My baby has a fever / high temperature :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Routine GP Appointment

Online support services


Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body. Anyone can develop fibromyalgia, but it’s more common in women than men.

The condition typically develops between the ages of 25 and 55, but people of any age can get it, including children and older people.

The exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, but it’s thought to be related to abnormal levels of certain chemicals in the brain and changes in the way the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and nerves) processes pain messages carried around the body.

It’s also suggested that some people are more likely to develop fibromyalgia because of genes inherited from their parents.

In many cases, the condition appears to be triggered by things that are physical or emotional like an injury, an infection or stress.

As well as widespread pain, other symptoms may include, increased sensitivity to pain, muscle stiffness, difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, headaches, which can make you feel very tired (fatigue), problems with mental processes (known as “fibro-fog”), such as difficulty concentrating or remembering things, feelings of frustration, worry or low mood and IBS symptoms.

The symptoms of fibromyalgia are variable, they can sometimes suddenly improve or get worse depending on various factors.

Although there’s currently no cure for fibromyalgia, there are treatments to help relieve some of the symptoms and make the condition easier to live with.

Treatment tends to be a combination of:

In particular, exercise has a number of important benefits for people with fibromyalgia, including helping to reduce pain.

If you are concerned you have symptoms that could be caused by Fibromyalgia then arrange to speak to the GP. There are no diagnostic tests and the symptoms can be similar to other conditions so it is what we call a ‘diagnosis of exclusion’, only made once other conditions have been excluded.


If you have fibromyalgia, support groups can provide an important network for talking to others living with the condition.

Fibromyalgia Action UK is a charity that offers information and support to people with fibromyalgia.

If you have any questions about fibromyalgia, call the charity’s helpline on 0300 999 3333.

Fibromyalgia Action UK also has a number of regional co-ordinators who can put you in touch with a support group near you.

Another organisation you may find useful is UK Fibromyalgia.

Flippin’ Fibromyalgia – Flippin’ Pain (flippinpain.co.uk)

Fungal Skin Infections

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Routine GP appointment if persistent


Fungal skin infections are common and include athlete’s foot, ringworm of the scalp and body, groin infections and intertrigo. They can often be treated with creams from a pharmacist.
Ringworm – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Fungal Groin Infection (Tinea Cruris) | Symptoms and Treatment | Patient


Fertility Concerns

Who do I see?
Routine GP appointment


Most couples (around 84%) will get pregnant within a year if they have regular sex and don’t use contraception. Having regular sex means having sex every 2 to 3 days throughout the month. This figure rises to 92% after 2 years.

If you’re trying to get pregnant it’s important to take folic acid daily, eat a healthy diet, and drink no more than 1 or 2 units of alcohol once or twice a week. This will help your baby develop healthily.

Fertility problems affect 1 in 7 couples in the UK, these can be caused by a variety of issues which may affect either person or both. In 25% of couples, fertility problems can’t be explained.

Risk factors for infertility include smoking, obesity, occupational risks, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug use. Female fertility declines with age; the effect of age on male fertility is less clear.

Trying to get pregnant – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Infertility – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Investigations for infertility are not usually recommended until the couple has been unable to conceive after 1 year of regular unprotected sex. However, investigations should be offered earlier than 1 year to couples who have been identified as less likely to conceive or if the woman is aged 36 years and older.

Before a referral can be made, both partners will need to have further tests completed, these can be arranged by the GP. For men this is a sperm sample and for women this requires 2 blood tests, an ultrasound scan and STI screening.

You will then be referred to the specialist fertility clinic who will be able to discuss options with you based on your test results and individual circumstances.

Fertility treatments include:

  • Medication for lack of regular ovulation
  • Surgical procedures such as treatment for endometriosis, repair of fallopian tubes, or removal of scarring (adhesions) within the womb or abdominal cavity
  • Assisted conception such as intrauterine insemination or IVF

In Hampshire you are only eligible for NHS funded IVF if you are under 35, have been trying to conceive for one year and have not fallen pregnant and have not had IVF before. Both partners must not have any previous children. For same sex couples or single people you need to have had 12 failed insemination cycles, of which 6 need to be in a clinic using intra-uterine insemination OR a diagnosed fertility problem.

The person having IVF must have a BMI between 19-29.9 and both partners must be non smokers for at least 6 months.


Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Same day triage team if persists for more than 7 days or difficulty breathing


Flu will often get better on its own, but it can make some people seriously ill. It’s important to get the flu vaccine if you’re advised to.

Flu | NHS inform

Flu – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Fungal Nail Infections

Who do I see?

Self Care / Pharmacist

Routine GP appointment if persisting problem

If your nail symptoms do not respond to over the counter treatment you may be able to take anti fungal tablets to clear the infection.

A GP can prescribe antifungal tablets. But before they give you tablets they should take a sample of your nail and have it tested, to find out what type of infection you have.

You may need to take antifungal tablets for up to 6 months.

Please discuss routinely with the GP or send a request via an E consult.

Fungal nail infection – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Forms, certificates and medicals

Who do I see?
GP Administrative Team

Completion of forms, certificates and medicals are not covered under the NHS but are provided privately. Payment for reports must accompany the request or appointment booking (i.e. in advance).

Charges are aligned with the BMA’s guidelines. Please read the form carefully and fill in and sign any parts that you need to complete before you bring the form to the surgery. You can send us your request online:

Non NHS Medical Services – Adelaide Medical Centre

Please allow up to 21 days for the process to be completed, you will be contacted by phone when your form is ready for collection.

Please note we do not sign passport forms.

Genital Infections including Herpes (GUM Clinic)

Who do I see?
Genitourinary (GUM) Clinic

Same day triage team

The best place to seek advice regarding any possible genital or sexually transmitted infection is at the GUM/Sexual Health clinic. They have access to much more specialist testing than we do at the surgery and can also help with supply of home testing kits and arranging to speak to any affected contacts on your behalf if necessary.

Testing and treatment for some common genital infections such as thrush or bacterial vaginosis are available over the counter.

Home | Sexual Health, hampshire, portsmouth, southampton (letstalkaboutit.nhs.uk)

Vaginal discharge – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Why is my penis smelly and sore? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Self Care / Pharmacy

Routine GP appointment if not responding to treatment or they keep coming back


Piles (haemorrhoids) are lumps inside and around your bottom (anus). They often get better on their own after a few days. A pharmacist can help with treatment in the first instance.

Piles (haemorrhoids) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Hay Fever

Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

GP if not responding to treatment or very severe

Almost all hay fever medications are now available from the chemist without needing to see the GP. This includes oral anti histamines such as Fexofenadine, Piriton and Loratadine, steroid nasal sprays and anti histamine eye drops. If your symptoms are particularly troublesome you can speak to the GP at a routine appointment or submit an E consult.

Please be aware we do not provide steroid injections for hay fever as this is not recommended practice. Short courses of oral steroid medication are recommended only for severe, uncontrolled symptoms that are significantly affecting quality of life.

  • Avoid walking in grassy, open spaces, particularly during the early morning, early evening, and during mowing, when the pollen count is high.
  • Avoid drying washing outdoors when the pollen count is high.
  • Keep windows shut in cars and buildings.
  • Plan holidays to avoid the pollen season, where possible.
  • Shower or wash hair following high pollen exposures.

Hay fever – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Hay Fever | Allergy UK | National Charity

Hay fever tablets: cheap hay fever remedies – MSE (moneysavingexpert.com)

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Who do I see?

Check at home

Use the surgery ‘Health POD’ (ask at reception)

HCA or Practice Nurse for annual reviews

GP or pharmacy team for treatment


High blood pressure is very common, around 1 in 3 adults. Many people are unaware they have high blood pressure as it often does not cause any symptoms.

If you are found to have high blood pressure at a check up then it is usually recommended you have either a 24 hour blood pressure monitor fitted or take 2 weeks of home blood pressure readings to confirm the diagnosis. This is because some people may have high blood pressure when they are at the surgery but normal blood pressure at home (called white coat hypertension).

If your blood pressure is high, you are likely to be recommended medication to try and lower it. This is due to high blood pressure being a risk factor for other serious medical problems such as strokes and heart attacks.

You can also lower your blood pressure through making lifestyle changes such as weight loss, increasing exercise, stopping smoking and reducing your salt, caffeine and alcohol intake. Find out more here:

High blood pressure (hypertension) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

How do I control my blood pressure? Lifestyle options and choice of medicines patient decision aid (nice.org.uk)

If you have an existing diagnosis of high blood pressure then we will undertake an annual review each year in your birth month. This will involve a blood test, a urine test (ACR) and a blood pressure check (see blood pressure monitoring section).

Head Lice

Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

School Nurse


Headlice can be treated at home without the need for medical assistance.
Head lice and nits – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Head Lice and Nits | Symptoms and Causes | Patient


Who do I see?
Routine GP Appointment

Practice Nurse for your annual review


Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment to relieve symptoms of the menopause. It replaces the hormone oestrogen which your body naturally stops producing as you go through menopause, the average age for this in the UK is 51.

This can cause a variety of symptoms (see Menopause section) which can be very debilitating. HRT can help to reduce these symptoms for lots of women. You are able to start HRT during peri menopause (before your periods have stopped).

There are a number of considerations to take into account when considering HRT.

  1. Do you need any tests prior to starting? Usually no testing is required to diagnose menopausal symptoms. A blood test is often suggested if you are under 45 (termed ‘early menopause’) and would definitely be recommended if you are under 40 (termed ‘premature ovarian insufficiency’ or POI).
  2. What are the risks of taking HRT? As with all medications there are some risks to using HRT but there are also many benefits. Please see attached links for further details. Some of the most important risks to consider are related to breast cancer and blood clots.
  3. What type of HRT will you need? HRT can be oestrogen only or combined HRT (oestrogen and progesterone). Oestrogen only HRT is for women who have had a hysterectomy (surgery to remove their womb), or are using an intrauterine system (IUS) such as a Mirena coil. This type of HRT does not contain progesterone (which is otherwise needed to protect the lining of the womb). Combined HRT can be used cyclically or continuously, this depends on whether you are still having periods or not. Cyclical HRT will give a monthly bleed and continuous HRT gives no bleed. Continuous HRT is recommended once you have not had a period for 1 year.
  4. How do I use HRT? Oestrogen can be given as a gel, patch, spray or tablet. Progesterone can be included in a combination patch, taken as a tablet, used vaginally or via an IUS (coil).
  5. How long can I take HRT for? HRT can be taken for as long as you require it, provided the risks do not outweigh the benefits, there is no maximum length of time it can be taken for.

General info:

Treatment – Rock My Menopause

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

My Menopause Centre | HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) Explained

Layout 1 (balance-menopause.com)

Layout 1 (balance-menopause.com)

HRT-types-and-doses.pdf (balance-menopause.com)

Info on risks:

HRT: Benefits and risks – Women’s Health Concern (womens-health-concern.org)

01-WHC-FACTSHEET-BreastCancer-NOV2020-C.pdf (womens-health-concern.org)

HRT-Myths-Uncovered.pdf (pcwhf.co.uk)

WHC-UnderstandingRisksofBreastCancer-MARCH2017.pdf (womens-health-concern.org)

Practical info:

Layout 1 (balance-menopause.com)

Balance – What to expect when you start HRT (balance-menopause.com)

Some women are unable to use HRT due to other medical conditions. There are also some non hormonal treatments that can help.

RMM_Alternatives-to-HRT.pdf (rockmymenopause.com)

Vaginal Oestrogen (‘Local HRT’):

The menopause can cause problems with vaginal dryness and irritation. For this particular symptom, ‘local’ HRT can be applied directly to the affected area as a cream or a pessary. This can be used along side systemic HRT (patches/tablets etc) or on it’s own.

Vaginal-dryness.pdf (balance-menopause.com)

There is a wealth of information on the menopause and HRT available via the following sites.

Balance – Menopause library

Get Informed – Rock My Menopause

My Menopause Centre | Information & Advice from Menopause Experts

WHC factsheets and other helpful resources – Women’s Health Concern (womens-health-concern.org)


With your first prescription we generally provide 3 months to get you started and see if your chosen regime suits you. At the 3 month mark we would ask that you arrange a review with our nursing team. Once you are happy with your dose you will need an annual review with a blood pressure/BMI check, this is to ensure it is still safe for you to receive HRT.

No matter how many prescriptions you have in a year, you should only pay a flat rate due to the ‘HRT Pre Payment Certificate’. Please see below.

NHS Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC) | NHSBSA

Handy Hints:

Trouble with patch residue? Try Apeel spray, Zoff or Peeleasy products available online.

Patches not sticking well? Try a squirt of a steroid nasal spray beneath your patch (!) (available OTC from the pharmacist)

Thinking about stopping HRT?

There is no fixed time that you can/should use HRT for. We recommend always considering the risks vs the benefits when deciding how long to continue for.

However, there are some medical conditions that would mean you need to stop using HRT or change the way in which you use it. Breast, ovarian and womb cancers being some of the most significant. It is also recommended that you stop HRT 6 weeks before having any major surgery, this is due to the increased risk of a blood (DVT or PE) in the post operative period.

Stopping HRT – London Menopause Clinic

Stopping HRT : Menopause Matters

Holiday Cancellation Certificate

Who do I see?
GP Administrative Team


Holiday Cancellation forms are not covered by the NHS, there will be a charge for this service.
Payment for reports must accompany the request or booking (i.e. in advance). Charges are aligned with the BMA’s guidelines. Please read the form carefully and fill in and sign any parts that you need to complete before you bring the form to the surgery.

We ask that you allow up to 21 days for the process to be completed, you will be contacted by phone when your form is ready for collection.

Head Injuries

Who do I see?
Minor Injuries Unit

Use A+E for a severe or significant head injury or if you are on blood thinning medication


The NHS website has a full list of symptoms that require A+E attendance.
Head injury and concussion – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Andover Minor Injuries unit can help if none of the worrying features are present.

Andover Minor Injuries Clinic :: Hampshire Hospitals

Head Injury Advice | Patient

For children:

Head Injury :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

CS45385_NHS_Head_Injury_advice_sheet_April_20.pdf (what0-18.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
A+E if very severe or sudden onset

Same day triage team if acute symptoms

Routine GP appointment if long standing or recurrent

Headaches are very common and not usually caused by anything serious. There are various types of headache including migraines, tension headaches and cluster headaches. Some headaches can even be caused by taking too much pain relief.

Headaches – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Headaches | Types, Warning Signs, Causes & Treatment | Patient

For longer term headaches it can be very helpful to keep a ‘headache diary’ to try and work out if there are any particular triggers. You can then discuss this with the GP.

Keeping a headache diary – The Migraine Trust

Hospital Appointments (Outpatients)

Who do I see?
Medical Secretary


Once you have been referred to a hospital specialist by the surgery, your information will be reviewed by their team and an appointment will be allocated to you. You will be contacted directly. We do not have any control over the time scale of this, it is at their discretion and based on the information provided in your referral. We cannot influence their decision or request this is expedited unless there is a significant change in your symptoms. Please contact the department you have been referred to in the first instance.

If you are waiting for tests or scans arranged by the hospital or for follow up appointments please contact the Consultant’s secretary as we are not kept informed on when these will take place.

Please be aware that we are not able to give you the results of blood tests or scan results that have been organised for you by the hospital team. Please contact the Consultant’s secretary.

Outpatient information :: Hampshire Hospitals

Patient Hub :: Hampshire Hospitals

Waiting times for routine appointments are published here:

South East – My Planned Care NHS

Email addresses available for patient use:

Medical Specialties: Medical.BookingOfficerRHCH@hhft.nhs.uk

Respiratory Team: RespiratoryAdminRHCH@hhft.nhs.uk

Elderly Care Team: EldercarestrokeAdminRHCH@hhft.nhs.uk

Full NHS guidance on this is available here:

1792_PatientReferralA4PORT_1.pdf (assets.nhs.uk)

Hospital admissions:

Coming into hospital :: Hampshire Hospitals

Hospital Transport

Who do I see?

Transport service


Certain patient groups are eligible for assistance with non emergency hospital transport.

How to organise transport to and from hospital – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Patient Transport Service | South Central Ambulance Service (scas.nhs.uk)

The number for the patient booking line is 0300 123 9833

Andover Neighbourcare, the council and Unity also support with transport to appointments:


Health and care in the test valley – Unity (unityonline.org.uk)

Voluntary Car Schemes (Good Neighbours Network groups) | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)

Connect transport | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)


Who do I see?
Local Council / Charitable Organisations


If you are threatened with homelessness/currently homeless, then call Test Valley council on 01264 368000

Help from your council if you’re homeless or at risk of homelessness – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Two Saints | Homeless Services | Accommodation | Advice & Support

Crisis | Together we will end homelessness

Home – Shelter England

Housing – letter of support

Who do I see?
We normally do not provide this service – advice and help is available from Shelter England

From time to time GPs are requested to provide reports for patients to Local Housing Authorities and Housing Associations. This is not part of our core services and therefore we may charge an appropriate fee for the work involved or we may be unable to assist. Please check with our reception team.

Further information and help is available from Shelter England

Non NHS Medical Services – Adelaide Medical Centre


Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Triage ANP or GP if acute severe episode

Routine GP appointment if persistent problem


Indigestion or heartburn is a burning feeling in the chest caused by stomach acid travelling up towards the throat (acid reflux). If it keeps happening, it’s called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).

Lots of people get indigestion from time to time, there is not always a clear cause why but certain things can increase your risk. These include being overweight, smoking, pregnancy, spicy foods and some medications such as Ibuprofen.

Indigestion – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Indigestion – Guts UK (gutscharity.org.uk)

If you have ongoing or recurrent symptoms that are not responding to treatment you may be advised to have an gastroscopy test.

Gastroscopy – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Having_a_gastroscopy.pdf (hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk)

Insect Bites

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Minor Injuries Unit

Triage ANP or GP


Most bites and stings will get better within a few days. A pharmacist can help with anti histamine medication and medicated creams. If there are any concerns over an infection or allergic reaction then seek medical assistance.

Insect bites and stings – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Andover Minor Injuries Clinic :: Hampshire Hospitals

Insurance Reports

Who do I see?
GP Administration team or submit online via link below

Completion of forms, certificates and medicals are not covered under the NHS. Please read the form carefully and fill in and sign any parts that you need to complete before you bring the form to the surgery.

We ask that you allow up to 21 days for the process to be completed, you will be contacted by phone when your form is ready for collection.

Non NHS Medical Services – Adelaide Medical Centre

Infected Wounds

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse for any concerns over a possible wound infection.

Long Covid

Who do I see?

For some people, coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause symptoms that last weeks or months after the infection has gone. This is sometimes called post-COVID-19 syndrome or “long COVID”.

If you are struggling with symptoms suggestive of long COVID then speak to the GP routinely. There is no cure or medication, treatment is supportive and based on symptom management.

Long-term effects of coronavirus (long COVID) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Your COVID Recovery | Supporting your recovery after COVID-19

Living With Covid Recovery | UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering – UCL – University College London

Low Carb Advice

Who do I see?
Online resources

For some people, adopting a low carbohydrate diet has been shown to significantly improve their health. A low carb diet is one that limits carbohydrates which are primarily found in sugary foods, pasta, and bread. Instead of eating carbs, you focus on protein-rich whole foods and vegetables.

There is evidence to show a low carb diet can be safe and effective in helping people with type 2 diabetes manage their weight, blood sugar levels and risk of heart disease in the short term. It has enabled patients to reverse their diabetes and come off medication all together!

Freshwell Low Carb Project – Real Food, Low Carb, Good Health (lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk)

Low-carb diet and meal plan | Eating with diabetes | Diabetes UK

Low Carb Intro | New Forest PCN

Lyme Disease

Who do I see?

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread by ticks. It can give a characteristic ‘bullseye’ rash and may be associated with other symptoms such as headache, muscle pains and fever.

If you are worried about acute Lyme disease infection then please speak to the duty team. For longer term symptoms or concerns then arrange a routine GP appointment.

Lyme disease – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Medication Queries and Reviews

Who do I see?
Clinical Pharmacist

At AMC we have a clinical pharmacy team who are able to discuss medication queries and concerns with you directly. Reception can book you an appointment with them.

easy-read-clncl-pharm.pdf (england.nhs.uk)

In the month of your birth we will also undertake an annual review of your repeat prescription. You will be contacted if you require a blood or urine test as part of this review. If the pharmacist or GP identifies any problems we will contact you. If you wish to report any issues as part of your annual review you can do this through our website.

Reviews – Adelaide Medical Centre (webgp.com)


Who do I see?
Routine GP Appointment


Menopause is the medical term for the natural time in life when your periods stop, this usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age and happens due to a decline in oestrogen levels (a hormone produced by the ovaries). The ‘peri menopause’ is the stage leading up to this, usually a few years before your periods fully stop where you might start experiencing other symptoms.

In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51. Menopause is only diagnosed once you have not had a period for 1 year, a ‘retrospective’ diagnosis. You can then be termed ‘post menopausal’ or having been through the menopause.

Menopause is usually a clinical diagnosis meaning that no blood tests are required, it can be diagnosed based on symptoms alone.

Some patients will have an ‘early’ (before 45) or a ‘premature’ menopause (before 40) and some patients will go through surgical menopause if they have had their ovaries removed with a hysterectomy or other type of surgery.

These links explain things in more detail:

My Menopause Centre | Understanding the Menopause

Layout 1 (balance-menopause.com)

Menopause and me (balance-menopause.com)

Menopause – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Menopause can cause a wide variety of symptoms including hot flushes, mood swings, fatigue, urinary symptoms, memory loss, insomnia, joint pains, hair loss, brain fog, anxiety, reduced libido, itchy skin, headaches and many more.

3 out of 4 women will experience symptoms with 1 in 4 women describing these as severe. The symptoms can start several years before your periods stop and can last for a number of years. This questionnaire can help you to understand the symptoms better.

Menopause Symptoms Questionnaire (balance-menopause.com)

Lifestyle changes can help with symptoms, for example maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, reducing caffeine and alcohol and eating a healthy diet. There are also a variety of supplements available over the counter that can help support with menopausal symptoms.

Many women also wish to consider HRT to help with menopausal symptoms (see HRT section of this webpage) or one of the non hormonal medications which are also available.

There is lots of support and information online:

The menopause – Women’s Health Concern (womens-health-concern.org)

15-WHC-FACTSHEET-The-Menopause-NOV2022-B.pdf (womens-health-concern.org)

WHC factsheets and other helpful resources – Women’s Health Concern (womens-health-concern.org)

Balance – Menopause library

The Menopause Charity – Menopause Facts, Advice and Support

Menopause Matters, menopausal symptoms, remedies, advice

menopausesupport.co.uk – Supporting You Through Change

Menopause and Me|Official Website

Rock My Menopause – Menopause Information

Specific to ‘POI’ (menopause under 40):

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency or ‘POI’, also known as premature menopause, affects up to 1 in 100 women and this is when your periods stop before the age of 40.

It means your ovaries are not working well and the lack of hormones cause many associated troublesome symptoms and health conditions if left untreated. It is important to replace the hormones that your body is no longer producing until the age of natural menopause at the earliest i.e. 51yrs old. There are no increased risks related to HRT before age of natural menopause, as you are replacing the hormones that your body would otherwise produce.

Charity for Women with POI | The Daisy Network

Surgical Menopause:

Surgical menopause, i.e. your ovaries have been removed surgically, then you should replace the hormones that your body is no longer producing until the time a natural menopause would occur at the earliest – i.e. 51yrs. There are no increased risks related to HRT as you are replacing the hormones that your body would otherwise produce. 

Embracing The Change: Emotional Wellbeing for Menopause.

This free course will explore how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help to reduce unpleasant symptoms of menopause such as night sweats, hot flushes, sleep problems, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. It gives you evidence-based tools and techniques to help manage some of the most common symptoms of peri menopause and the menopause. Although we can’t completely eradicate these natural symptoms, we can start to feel empowered to take control back of our body and mind and make some positive changes.   

NHS Talking Therapies Hampshire Wellbeing Classes (italk.org.uk)

Medical Reports

Who do I see?
GP Administration team or submit online via the link below

Completion of forms, certificates and medicals are not covered under the NHS and therefore incur a charge. Please phone us or complete an eConsult to discuss your requirements if you cannot find what you need on the page linked below.

Please read the form carefully and fill in and sign any parts that you need to complete before you bring the form to the surgery.

We ask that you allow up to 21 days for the process to be completed, you will be contacted by phone when your form is ready for collection.

Non NHS Medical Services – Adelaide Medical Centre

Mental Health Crisis (see also Suicidal Thoughts section)

Who do I see?
Same day triage team

999/A+E or 111 if out of hours depending on the urgency of your need

Mental health charities / support services


There are many places you can get support from if you are in crisis, please do reach out if you are struggling.

Crisis services – Mind

Where to get urgent help for mental health – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Staying Safe

Crisis Text Line UK

Text SHOUT to 85258

Samaritans operates a free service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for people who want to talk in confidence. Call them on 116 123 or visit their website.

Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen

North and Mid Hampshire Safe Haven – Andover Mind

Local NHS urgent mental health helpline for SP10 – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

If you are a patient already known to the Andover Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) you can call them directly in a crisis on 01256 376507 or 01256 817718. The number for the office for routine queries is 01264 358180.

Crisis Resolution Home Treatment team :: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

Mental Health Support For Young People

Who do I see?
Online resources below

There are a number of fantastic websites that have been developed to help and support young people who are struggling with their mental health.

All schools in the area should be able to offer face to face mental health and wellbeing support, please discuss this with the school directly. There is currently no wellbeing service for the under 18s running in Andover (as this was moved in house into schools) but this is a future aim for the Andover PCN team.

Good starting points:

I’m worried about my child :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Mental Health :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Children’s mental health – Every Mind Matters – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

CAMHS (hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk)

HOME | CAMHS Resources (camhs-resources.co.uk)

Home – Kooth

Information About Mental Health Medication | YoungMinds

For counselling services:

Home – HYA (hampshireyouthaccess.org.uk)

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

Mental Health – The Mix

Be You: mental health support for 11-17 year olds – Andover Mind

Free Youth Counselling Services for Young People (stepbystep.org.uk)

Support services:

ChatHealth : Hampshire Healthy Families

Parenting and Family Support – Family Lives (Parentline Plus) | Family Lives

Youth Support • Children & Youth Charity • Targeted Support (youthoptions.org.uk)

Primary Behaviour Service (hants.gov.uk)

Yellow Brick Road Projects – Home – any young person over the age of 11 can turn up without an appointment and talk to a trusted adult. It is completely free to attend. These drop in sessions will be Monday and Wednesday, 3:30-5:30pm at the YBRP building at Bentall Place, SP10 2JD.


ThinkNinja App

Calm Harm App

Booster Buddy App

Mind Shift App

Guided Meditation and Mindfulness – The Headspace App

Resources For Home:

How to Make a Self-Soothe Box | Young Person Blog | YoungMinds

A – Z Coping Tips – CAMHS (hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk)

I feel really sad FINAL (thegoto.org.uk)

I feel really worried FINAL (thegoto.org.uk)

Other Services:

Homepage – Mermaids (mermaidsuk.org.uk) (specifically for gender related support)

Young people’s mental health | Royal College of Psychiatrists (rcpsych.ac.uk)

Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide (papyrus-uk.org)

Charlie Waller Trust, mental health charity (cwmt.org.uk)

The UK’s Eating Disorder Charity – Beat (beateatingdisorders.org.uk) (specifically for eating disorders)

Youth Wellbeing Service – Andover Primary Care Network (andoverpcn.co.uk)

Arts Award (Arts Award inspires young people to grow their arts and leadership talents)

Minor Injuries

Who do I see?
Andover Minor Injuries Unit

Andover Minor Injuries Clinic :: Hampshire Hospitals

Treatment at the clinic includes:

  • Treating minor head injuries
  • Facial and eye injuries
  • Foreign body removal
  • Limb injuries and concerns over fractures
  • Animal and insect bites
  • Minor burns
  • Wound assessment and closure
  • An X-ray facility on site (if required) Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, excluding bank holidays. 
  • Contact 111 to arrange an appointment at MIU or view their website for walk in availability.


Who do I see?


If you are worried about changes to any moles or skin lesions please arrange a routine appointment with the GP or submit an E consult. Please be aware that we are unable to offer any treatment for cosmetic issues related to skin lesions. This would need to be obtained privately. Speak to the GP if you are unsure.

When to worry about a mole | Skin Cancer Checking | Patient

Moles – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

British Association of Dermatologists – ABCD-Easy guide to checking your moles (bad.org.uk)

Mouth Problems

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy / Dentist

Please book an appointment with your dentist in the first instance for any mouth related problems. If you are not registered with a dentist then 111 can assist with this.

Find a dentist – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Please be aware, our team are not trained or insured to assist with dental issues.

Mouth problems | Oral Health Foundation (dentalhealth.org)

Musculoskeletal Problems

Who do I see?
First Contact Physiotherapy Service (16+)

Physiotherapy Self Referral Scheme (18+)


For any musculoskeletal issues (back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, problems following injuries etc.) you can see a specialist physiotherapist without seeing the GP first.

We have a first contact physiotherapist at the practice each week, reception can book you an appointment with them directly. We also have direct access to physiotherapy with Southern Health, you can refer yourself via the link below.

Physiotherapy form :: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

Patient_information_sheet_-_self_referral.pdf (southernhealth.nhs.uk)

NHS England » First contact physiotherapists

Neck Pain

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

First Contact Physiotherapist

Triage GP / ANP


Neck pain – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Neck pain | Causes, exercises, treatments | Versus Arthritis

Neck Pain | Causes and Treatment | Patient

Torticollis is the medical name for when your neck gets trapped or stuck to one side. This usually settles over the course of a few days without any treatment.

Spasmodic Torticollis (Twisted Neck) | Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | Patient

New Baby

Who do I see?
Health Visitor / GP


Having a new baby is an exciting time but can also feel very overwhelming. There are plenty of ways to access support.

Your health visitor should be your first port of call for issues such as feeding, tongue tie, sleep and general advice. They will also weigh your baby. If you are ever concerned your baby is unwell call the surgery for the same day triage line or use 111 out of hours.

Any baby with a temperature above 37.5 degrees under 3 months of age should go straight to A+E for further assessment.

The Healthier Together App is a must have download.

Healthier Together on the App Store (apple.com)

Concerned about your baby aged less than 3 months? :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Parents Advice | ICON (iconcope.org)

Pregnancy, baby and toddler health information at BabyCentre UK – BabyCentre UK

How to reduce the risk of SIDS for your baby – The Lullaby Trust

Adjusting to life with a new baby: 15 practical tips | NCT

Baby | Start4Life (www.nhs.uk)

Portal : Hampshire Healthy Families

ChatHealth : Hampshire Healthy Families

Health for Under 5s | For healthy, happy early years

The Family Nurse Partnership | (fnp.nhs.uk) – supports new parents aged 24 and under.

Nail Concerns

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Nail Service

Private Podiatry

Routine GP appointment for concerns over persistent fungal nails despite OTC treatment (see Fungal Nails section)

Triage ANP/GP if concerned over a possible infection


Nail problems are not usually caused by anything serious. Common nail problems include brittle, loose nails that may change colour or shape.

Your nails may change over time:

It’s normal for nails to:

  • become thicker or break more easily (brittle) as you get older
  • become harder, softer or more brittle during pregnancy (they should be healthier within 6 months of having a baby)
  • change colour, become loose and eventually fall off after an injury
  • You should alert us if the skin around your nails has become sore, red, swollen and warm (paronychia), which can be a sign of an infection or ingrown toenail

Fingernails that fall off after an injury should grow back within 6 months. Toenails can take up to 18 months.

Our nails are constantly growing, in fact it takes a little over 12 months for your toenails to completely re grow, so they can become long and break leaving sharp edges that can penetrate the skin and lead to pain and infection. This is particularly important to be avoided in those more susceptible to infection such as the elderly and diabetics.

Age concern run a toenail cutting service.

Footcare services | Podiatrist near me | Age UK

Footcare – Age Concern Hampshire

Podiatrist: Salisbury Road Foot Clinic – Podiatry Services (offer a home visiting service)

Andover Podiatry Clinic – Foot Care (Andover, Hampshire)

Nappy rash

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Health Visitor

Triage ANP / GP if worsening or no response to treatment


Nappy rash is common and often doesn’t require any prescription treatment. A pharmacist can help with suitable creams to use in the first instance.

Nappy Rash prevention, treatment and causes | Patient

Nappy rash – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?



The NHS App allows you to access a wide range of NHS services. You can download the NHS App on your phone or tablet. You can also access the same services in a web browser by logging in through the NHS website. You must be aged 13 or over to use the NHS App. You also need to be registered with a GP surgery in England or the Isle of Man. 

With full access you can:

  • order repeat prescriptions and nominate a pharmacy where you would like to collect them
  • check to see if your prescription has been issued to your pharmacy
  • book and manage some types of appointments
  • view your GP health record to see information like your allergies and medicines and test results
  • register your organ donation decision
  • view your NHS number (find out what your NHS number is)
  • use NHS 111 online to answer questions and get instant advice or medical help near you
  • message your GP surgery using an online form (eConsult) and get a reply
  • access health services on behalf of someone you care for
  • view and manage your hospital and other healthcare appointments
  • view useful links your doctor or health professional has shared with you
  • search trusted NHS information and advice on hundreds of conditions and treatments
  • find NHS services near you

NHS App and your NHS account – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Self Care

Same day triage team

Attend A+E straight away if your nosebleed lasts longer than 15 minutes or the bleeding is heavy

Recurrent nosebleeds can be discussed in a routine GP appointment


Try to stop your nosebleed by sitting down and leaning forward and pinching your nose just above your nostrils. Do not lean head back or apply pressure to the bridge of your nose. You can apply an ice pack if you wish.

Nosebleed – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Nosebleeds (Epistaxis) (entuk.org)

To avoid another nose bleed please follow the advice below for at least three days:

  • All food and drink should be cool.
  • Avoid strenuous activity.
  • Avoid constipation and straining.
  • Do NOT sunbathe or take hot baths.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • Avoid scratching or blowing your nose. Sneeze with your mouth open if needed.

Occupational Therapy

Who do I see?
Online self referral

OTs are responsible for carrying out assessments and providing services that help you to remain safe and independent in your daily activities at home.

Occupational Therapists (OTs) work with a range of people including those who have physical, mental and/ or social problems, either as a result of accident, illness or ageing. They are aware of the impact that changes in circumstances can have on individual’s independence and confidence.

Depending on your specific difficulties, it may be possible to arrange for small adaptions or equipment to be directly provided. However, if the help you need is more complex, and you are eligible, they will arrange for a referral to be sent to your local Occupational Therapy Team for Hampshire. This assessment will take place either at a clinic or at your home.

You will be given advice or help about:

  • getting in and out of your home
  • managing the stairs
  • getting in and out of chairs and beds
  • getting on and off and using the toilet
  • using the bath or shower
  • managing kitchen activities, eg standing at the sink, getting food to a table

Types of solutions available include rails, small pieces of equipment and minor adaptations and advice on easier ways of managing activities.

Online Services

Who do I see?
Reception Team for any assistance needed

If you are registered with the surgery, you can access some health services online.

With the NHS App/NHS Online Account:

You are able to:

  • order repeat prescriptions
  • see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
  • see communications between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospital letters
  • book, check or cancel some types of appointments

Most patients will automatically be given access to more information added to their GP record from November 2023 onwards. This includes letters, test results and appointment notes.

Log in – NHS App Online (service.nhs.uk)

With Patient Access:

Patient Access – GP appointments & prescriptions online

There are a number of other sites/apps that are also available and offer other functions such as the ordering of medications:

Free NHS prescription delivery – LloydsDirect

Pharmacy2U – Leading Online Pharmacy Chemist and Online Pharmacy

NHS free prescription delivery service – Well Pharmacy

Passport Forms

Who do I see?
We are not able to assist with signing passport forms

Passport forms are not covered by the NHS.

Accepted occupations that can countersign your passport photo.

Proactive Care Team

Who do I see?
Proactive Care Nurse


The proactive care team are an invaluable local resource and can help with all kinds of problems.

For patients over 65 they can support with the following:

COVID Proactive Care Team (midhampshirehealthcare.co.uk)

Panic Attacks

Who do I see?
iTALK / Mind

Primary Care Mental Health Team

Routine GP appointment


See the below advice on panic attacks and how to help control the symptoms. Talking therapies are likely to be beneficial in helping you understand the triggers and how to manage the attacks.

What is a panic attack? – Mind

Panic disorder – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

How to deal with panic attacks | NHS inform

Period Problems

Who do I see?
Routine GP appointment

If struggling with heavy bleeding then triage ANP / GP


Periods can cause lots of problems. The most commonly encountered are heavy, painful or irregular periods. Problems are often worse for young women just starting their periods or around the time of menopause.

There are a number of problems that can cause changes to your periods. Please see below for more information.

Contraception is often used to try and regulate heavy, painful or irregular bleeding if appropriate. There are also medications that can help to stop heavy periods or be used to control the pain. You can discuss this with the GP.

Irregular periods – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Heavy periods – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Polycystic ovary syndrome – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Endometriosis – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Periods and Period Problems | Patient

Fibroids – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Pharmacy Services

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Pharmacists are experts in medicines who are expertly trained and can help you with minor health concerns.

As qualified healthcare professionals, they can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.

If symptoms suggest it’s something more serious, pharmacists have the right training to make sure you get the help you need. For example they will tell you if you need to see a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional. Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends and you do not need an appointment.

Pharmacists can also answer your questions on prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

The New Medicine Service is available at pharmacies to give you extra help and advice if you’re just starting on a new medicine for one of the following conditions: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, people who have been given a new blood-thinning medicine and more.

New Medicine Service (NMS) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

All pharmacies also provide the following services:

  • dispensing of NHS prescriptions
  • access to the repeat prescription service (with agreement from your GP)
  • an emergency supply of medicine, subject to the decision of the pharmacist (you may need to pay for an emergency supply)
  • non-prescription medicines like paracetamol
  • disposal of unwanted or out-of-date medicines
  • advice on treating minor health concerns and healthy living

Pharmacy technicians can help with things like:

  • inhaler technique
  • how to take a medicine safely
  • helping you understand the correct dose of a new medicine and how often you need to take it
  • Pharmacists can give treatment advice about a range of common conditions and minor injuries, such as aches and pains, sore throat, coughs, colds/flu, earache, cystitis, skin rashes, teething and red eyes.
  • Through the NHS Minor Ailment Scheme, a pharmacist will be able to offer advice and some medicines for a minor illness without you having to book an appointment to see a GP. Medicines can be supplied free of charge to the customer if they are exempt from NHS prescription charges.
  • Medication Shortages:
  • Unfortunately these days more and more medications are affected by stock issues, this is outside of our control. Speak to your regular chemist to see if they can order in for you or if they know somewhere else locally they may stock your product. Boots run a stock checker on their website.
  • Boots pharmacy | Online Prescription stock checker
  • This online site may also be able to help.
  • Hard To Find Medicines | Hive Pharmacy

Pharmacy First Scheme

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

From 31st January 2024, patients are able to access advice and treatment (including antibiotics) for 7 common conditions directly from their local pharmacy. These conditions are:

Sinusitis (12 and over)

Sore throat (5 and over)

Earache/ear infection (1-17yrs)

Impetigo (1 and over)

Shingles (18 and over)

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) (female patients, 16-64)

Our team will ask you to contact the pharmacy first but please come back to us if there are any problems or you are having difficulty accessing treatment.


Who do I see?

If you are newly pregnant, you will need to self refer to the midwife to access your antenatal care.

There is a wealth of information on the NHS website about what to expect during pregnancy and how antenatal care is provided in England.

Please ensure you have started taking folic acid and vitamin D as recommended.

Any concerns speak to your midwife or the GP.

Badger Notes – Self-refer your pregnancy to SHIP Maternity Referral

Pregnancy – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Pregnancy | Start4Life (www.nhs.uk)

Vitamins, minerals and supplements in pregnancy – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Pre Diabetes (Borderline Diabetes)

Who do I see?
HCA or Practice Nurse

Online Support


13.6 million people in the UK are at increased risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. This is often termed ‘pre diabetes’ or being ‘borderline’ diabetic. A simple blood test is used to work out if you are at increased risk, this is called an HbA1c test.

You can also take a test online.

Diabetes UK – Know Your Risk of Type 2 diabetes

Developing Type 2 Diabetes has huge implications on our health and increases the risks of stroke, heart attack, visual loss, kidney damage and many more.

Pre diabetes and Type 2 diabetes are both reversible conditions through simple lifestyle changes. Find out more below.

If you have been informed you are at risk of diabetes then we can refer you to a service to help. This is called the Diabetes Prevention Programme – please book an appointment with our nursing team who can discuss the diagnosis with you and refer you to the programme.

Prediabetes | Diabetes UK | Reduce risk type 2 diabetes

Healthier You | Diabetes Prevention Programme (preventing-diabetes.co.uk)

nhsdpp.pdf (england.nhs.uk)

Pneumoccocal Vaccine

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/ HCA (Health Care Assistant)

If you’re 65 or over, you should be offered a type of pneumococcal vaccine known as the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV).

You can book an appointment with reception if you are eligible for vaccination.

This vaccination is only required once unless you do not have a spleen, then you will require a booster dose every 5 years.

Who should have the pneumococcal vaccine? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

People with health problems and the pneumococcal vaccine

The PPV vaccine is also available on the NHS for children and adults aged from 2 to 64 years old who are at a higher risk of developing a pneumococcal infection than the general population.

You’re considered to be at a higher risk of a pneumococcal infection if you have:

Pre and Postnatal Depression

Who do I see?
Routine GP Appointment

Midwife Team


A ‘perinatal’ mental health problem is one that you experience any time from becoming pregnant up to a year after you give birth.

Having a baby is a big life event. It’s natural to experience a range of emotions during pregnancy and after giving birth. But if any difficult feelings start to have a big effect on your day-to-day life, you might be experiencing a perinatal mental health problem. 

Your midwife will be able to put you in touch with a specialist mental health midwife and there is also a specialist perinatal mental health team.

Perinatal mental health – PANDAS Foundation UK

Hampshire Lanterns – No mum ever has to feel alone!

Postnatal depression (PND) | Tommy’s (tommys.org)

Mental health and wellbeing | Tommy’s (tommys.org)

Perinatal and postnatal mental health – Mind

If your partner is pregnant or recently gave birth, you may also experience mental health problems during this time. Please see below.

Partners – Mind

PSA Testing / Prostate Cancer

Who do I see?

Request a PSA test via E Consult

Discuss results with GP if abnormal or if you have symptoms


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men – 1 in 8 men – and there may be no symptoms in the early stages.

A PSA test is a blood test that can help to detect prostate cancer. The test is not always accurate and this is why there is no official screening programme for prostate cancer.
Routine PSA screening is a controversial subject. PSA tests are unreliable and can suggest prostate cancer when no cancer exists (called a false positive result).

If the result is raised, most men are now offered an MRI scan before a biopsy to help avoid unnecessary tests, but some men with a raised PSA may end up having invasive and sometimes painful biopsies for no reason.

Unfortunately also around 1 in 7 men with prostate cancer have normal PSA levels (a false negative result), so cases may be missed.
The PSA test can find aggressive prostate cancer needing treatment but it can also find slow growing cancer that may never cause symptoms or shorten life.

Although screening has been shown to reduce a man’s chance of dying from prostate cancer, it would also mean many men receiving treatment unnecessarily. As a result there is currently no prostate screening programme in the UK but since 2016 asymptomatic men aged 50 years or older have been able to discuss having a PSA test with their GP as per the prostate cancer risk management programme.

If you are over 50 you are welcome to have a PSA blood test.

We would recommend reading the information below via the links to help you decide if you wish to go ahead.

If you’re having a PSA test, you should not have:

  • ejaculated in the past 48 hours
  • exercised heavily in the past 48 hours
  • a urinary infection
  • had a prostate biopsy in the past 6 weeks as each of these may give an inaccurate PSA reading.

More info here:

Prostate cancer – Should I have a PSA test? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Prostate cancer – PSA testing – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

PSA testing and prostate cancer: advice for men without symptoms of prostate disease aged 50 and over (publishing.service.gov.uk)

If you would like to speak to a Prostate Cancer nurse specialist you can contact them here: 0800 074 8383

Prostate Cancer UK’s Specialist Nurses | Prostate Cancer UK

There are a number of things that can increase your risk of having prostate cancer, the main ones being age, being of black or mixed black ethnicity and having a father or brother with prostate cancer. You can check your prostate cancer risk here: Check your risk in 30 seconds | Prostate Cancer UK

Prostate Problems

Who do I see?
Routine GP Appointment


Prostate problems are common, particularly in men aged over 50. The prostate is a small gland found only in men and trans women. It surrounds the tube that carries urine out of the body (urethra).

The prostate gland produces a thick, white fluid that gets mixed with sperm to create semen. The prostate gland is about the size and shape of a walnut but tends to get bigger as you get older. It can sometimes become swollen or enlarged by conditions such as:

Benign prostate enlargement (BPH)


Prostate cancer

Prostate problems – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Symptoms of an enlarged prostate can include getting up over night to pass urine, a poor flow, having to strain to go, urinary incontinence and dribbling.

To help better assess these symptoms, you will likely be asked to provide a urine sample, have a PSA blood test and have a prostate examination.

PSA test | Prostate Cancer UK

Examination of your prostate | Prostate cancer | Cancer Research UK

You may also be asked to complete this questionnaire –

ipss.pdf (fhft.nhs.uk)

Rectal Bleeding

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy if haemorrhoids present

Triage GP / ANP if acute episode

A+E if the blood loss is very heavy or black and tarry

Routine GP appointment if recurrent or longstanding issues

Rectal bleeding can have a range of causes ranging from simple haemorrhoids to gastroenteritis and gut inflammation.

The type of bleeding and the colour of the blood can help determine the cause.

Bleeding from the bottom (rectal bleeding) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Rectal Bleeding (Blood in Stool) | What to do | Causes and Treatment | Patient


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Triage ANP / GP

Routine GP appointment if ongoing problem


There are many causes for rashes. Most are not concerning but it is important to act quickly if you are worried.

Non blanching rashes are rashes that do not fade under pressure. These rashes need urgent attention.

Rashes can be caused by allergies (known as hives), heat, eczema, infections such as hand, foot and mouth, chicken pox, shingles and more.

Self-help guide: Rash | NHS inform

For children:

Rashes :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

NHS (hereforyouhampshire.nhs.uk)

Removal of Stitches

Who do I see?
HCA (Health Care Assistant)

Please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment if you require removal of stitches.

Sedation for Scans

Who do I see?
Your hospital team


We are unable to prescribe sedatives, such as diazepam, for any procedure or scan being undertaken outside of AMC, this includes MRI scans and dental procedures. If you feel you need sedation in such circumstances, please speak to the team undertaking the procedure or scan, as they are responsible for providing this if needed.

Our reasons for this decision are:

  • GPs are not trained to provide the correct level of sedation for a procedure / scan. Providing too little sedation won’t help you, providing too much sedation can make you too sleepy, which could lead to the procedure being cancelled. Too much sedation can dangerously affect your breathing. After taking a sedative for a procedure or scan, you will need to be closely monitored to keep you safe.
  • Although diazepam makes most people who take it sleepy, in some rare situations it can have an opposite effect and make people aggressive or agitated.
  • Scans and hospital procedures are often delayed, therefore the team performing he procedure or scan should provide the sedation, to ensure you become sleepy and relaxed at the right time.

Feel free to show this policy to your hospital team or dentist if needed.

Information on sedation | The Royal College of Anaesthetists (rcoa.ac.uk)

Sedation, analgesia and anaesthesia in the radiology department, Second edition | The Royal College of Radiologists (rcr.ac.uk)

Sick Note (Fit Note)

Who do I see?
Please ensure you self certify for first 7 days, then please submit your request via an E consult

If you are unable to do this then please speak to reception

Sick notes mean that you are medically unfit for any type of work and should be completed by the person or team who has been in charge of your care. This is not always the GP. We can only issue a fit note if we have been involved in your care or have supporting documentation.

A fit note can be backdated if required, please provide the required dates and as much information as you can.

Please note – requests for fit notes are not appropriate for same day / emergency triage calls, please follow the process above.

Self Certify
For the first 7 consecutive days of absence, you do not need a note and should self certify. You can obtain this form from your employer or by visiting the HMRC website.

Taking sick leave – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Employee’s statement of sickness to claim Statutory Sick Pay – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

If you have been discharged from hospital, your hospital team will issue any fit notes for the period of your recovery. Please contact the ward staff or the Consultant’s secretary (even after discharge). If you run into any difficulties please reference this guidance or speak to the ‘PALS’ department, this is part of their duty of care to you as their patient.

Statement of fitness for work: a guide for hospital doctors – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Schools should not request a GP letter to confirm absence, this can be written by a parent or guardian.

Private Certificates
If you or your employer require further information concerning your period(s) of illness, then your doctor may require to issue you with a letter. Please note that a charge may apply for this service. Please check with our reception desk.

There are no notes to say that you are fit and well to return to work, this is for you and your employer to decide together. The absence of a fit note to state that you are unable to work is enough to support your return.

Sore Throat

Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Triage ANP or GP if persisting

If you have a sore throat, there are a number of ways you can help yourself.

Paracetamol can help with the pain, and gargling with warm, salty water may help shorten the infection (this isn’t recommended for children). The Pharmacy First scheme means you can see a community Pharmacist for help with a sore throat, if antibiotics are required they can be provided to you by the Pharmacist.

Sore throat – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

NHS (hereforyouhampshire.nhs.uk)

For children:

Sore throat :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Sleep Problems

Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Routine GP appointment if persisting


Sleep is our body’s way of recharging our batteries, both physically and mentally, but poor sleep or sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on our mood, our energy levels and on our overall wellbeing. Problems with sleep are very common. Around 1/3rd of adults will struggle with their sleep at least once a week. There can be many reasons why this may occur including stress, alcohol intake and mental health problems.

Simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference to your quality of sleep. You can get good advice and medication/sleep aids from a pharmacist.

There are also a number of sleep apps available and a huge range of other resources online.

Medication for sleep is rarely the answer and looking at our lifestyle, any triggers and external factors is usually the most helpful way at addressing the issue.

The NHS advises to look at sleep hygiene first. If there is a short term reason for the sleep disturbance and it is causing distress then a short course 3-7 days of a sedative (called a Z drug) can be considered.

Following this, CBT-i is recommended.

Another medication called Melatonin can be considered but only for those aged 55 and over.

Insomnia (Poor Sleep) | How to sleep better | Causes & Treatment | Patient

How to sleep better | Mental Health Foundation

Insomnia – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

10 tips to beat insomnia – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Home – The Sleep Charity

Sleep Foundation | Better Sleep for a Better You

Effective Treatment for Insomnia – Sleepful

Sleepstation – sleep improvement & insomnia course

Sleepio | Can’t sleep? Get to sleep and stay asleep without pills or potions

Pzizz | Sleep at the push of a button

Info-sleep hygiene2.pub (italk.org.uk)

Sleep & Insomnia Self-Help Resources – Information Sheets (health.wa.gov.au)

NHS Talking Therapies Hampshire Wellbeing Classes (italk.org.uk) (one specifically for sleep, called Sleeping Soundly)

Calm – The #1 App for Meditation and Sleep

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I): An Overview (sleepfoundation.org)

How to sleep better | HPFT IAPT Services (hpft-talkingtherapies.nhs.uk)

Be Mindful | Digital MBCT program (bemindfulonline.com)

The DVLA must be informed if excessive sleepiness is having, or is likely to have, an adverse effect on driving.

For children:

Children – The Sleep Charity

Sleep – CAMHS (hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk)

Sleep Strategies for Children | Sleep Foundation

Sleep Apnoea

Who do I see?
Routine GP appointment

Sleep apnoea is when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep. The most common type is called obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

Symptoms include:

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness, snoring, and fatigue.
  • Witnessed breathing pauses (apnoeas), gasping, or choking while sleeping.
  • Unrefreshing sleep, impaired concentration.
  • It is more common with:
  • Increasing age.
  • Male sex (the male to female ratio is 2–3:1).
  • Obesity.
  • Neck circumference greater than 40.6 cm.
  • Family history of OSA.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol.
  • Sleeping on your back.
  • Hypothyroidism.

Sleep apnoea – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

If you are worried you may have sleep apnoea please complete these questionnaires prior to your GP appointment.

STOPBang Questionnaire (britishsnoring.co.uk)

Epworth Sleepiness Scale | British Lung Foundation (blf.org.uk)


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Triage GP / ANP if concerns over infection

See a pharmacist for concerns over simple insect bites and stings. Anti histamine medication, medicated creams and antibiotics (if needed) can be obtained directly from the Pharmacist without a GP prescription.

Insect bites and stings do not usually require antibiotics. Skin redness and itching are common and may last for up to 10 days.

Insect bites and stings – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Stopping Antidepressants

Who do I see?
GP or Clinical Pharmacist to advise

Ask reception or send an E consult


It is important to ask for advice before stopping your medication.

A dose of antidepressants should be slowly reduced, normally over several weeks, sometimes longer. This varies depending on the type of antidepressant you’re taking, your dose and how long you’ve been taking it for. Generally we first reduce your dose by 25-50%, try this new dose for a couple of weeks and then if all well reduce the dose further before stopping completely.

We will help you agree a plan for how to gradually reduce your dose. We do this to try and prevent any withdrawal symptoms you might get as a reaction to coming off antidepressants suddenly.

Stopping or coming off antidepressants – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Stopping antidepressants | Royal College of Psychiatrists (rcpsych.ac.uk)

Withdrawal effects of antidepressants – Mind


Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy


Sunburn – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Sunburn – Injuries & first aid | NHS inform

Support Services

Who do I see?
Online Resources


Please also see separate sections for more info on Anxiety, Alcohol, Autism, ADHD, Behavioural Concerns in Children, Bereavement Support, Blue Badge Forms, Breastfeeding Advice, Cancer, Carers Support, Child Development Concerns, Chronic Pain, Dementia Support, Domestic Violence, Drug Addiction, Depression, Dyslexia, DWP, Eating Disorders, Homelessness, Mental Health Crisis, Mental Health Support for Young People, New Baby, Relationship Problems, Veterans, Smoking Cessation, Suicidal Thoughts and Weight Loss Support.

Andover Food Bank, Alexandra Road, 01264 362111

A.C.E Andover Clothing Exchange and Baby Bank (Facebook page)

About LGBTQIA+ and mental health – Mind

Advice and Support for LGBT people – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Galop – the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity

Chronic Pain Support Groups in the UK | To Better Days

Healthtalk (chronic pain support)

Private Therapy in Hampshire & Surrey | Hampshire & Surrey Psychology (hampshirepsychology.co.uk)

Getting help for domestic violence and abuse – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Problems | Get.gg – Getselfhelp.co.uk

Free Downloads – CBT Information Leaflets & Self Help Guides | Get.gg – Getselfhelp.co.uk

Debt advice | Free debt advice | National Debtline | National Debtline

Cost of Living Payments 2023 to 2024 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Get help with the cost of living from your local council – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Citizens Advice

– Cocaine Anonymous CAUK Area

Alcoholics Anonymous Great Britain (alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk)

Home – Mind (mental health support)

NHS Talking Therapies Hampshire, your local psychological therapy service (italk.org.uk)

Mental health | NHS inform

Anxiety self-help guide | NHS inform

Depression self-help guide | NHS inform

MOODJUICE – Obsessions and Compulsions – Self-help Guide (oxfordhealth.nhs.uk)

Help for problems with gambling – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Peanut – Find Friends and Support (peanut-app.io) (a safe space for women of any age to meet and find support)

Home | Gingerbread (for single parent families)

Homepage – Yellow Door (domestic violence)

a family, creatively empowering people to thrive in their communities (theyoutrust.org.uk) (learning disability, chronic ill health, domestic violence)

The Freedom Programme. Learn about domestic violence and abuse (domestic violence)

Home | Relate (relationship problems)

Revenge Porn Helpline – 0345 6000 459 | Revenge Porn Helpline help@revengepornhelpline.org.uk

Rape Crisis 0808 500 2222

Home – Safeline – Believe in you – Surviving sexual abuse & rape

Parent Talk – Support for Parents from Action For Children

About Us (yellowbrickroadprojects.com) (providing young people <35 with essential life skills they need to flourish. Key topics include: Finance, Home Matters, Health and Wellbeing, Career Advice, and Relationships. 01264 360589

Growing Together | Yellow Brick Road Projects (young parents support network, aged16-25yrs)

The Legacy Project (yellowbrickroadprojects.com) (an initiative which has been set up to work closely with young people between the ages of 11-25, and have been identified as being at risk of criminal exploitation or victimisation)

What is You Matter? | Yellow Brick Road Projects (the You Matter programmes were set up to provide young people with essential life skills, support networks, personal growth, and opportunities for career enhancement)

What are personality disorders? – Mind

Useful contacts – PTSD – Mind (PTSD)

Recovery College :: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Talking Therapies Hampshire Wellbeing Classes (italk.org.uk) (For issues related to sleep, menopause, being a carer, a military partner, problems at work and more)

andoverneighbourcare.co.uk (transport, cleaning, gardening, shopping and more) 01264 404142

Health and care in the test valley – Unity (unityonline.org.uk) (befriending, decluttering, respite, transport for hospital appointments)

THE BLUE LAMP TRUST | DRIVEN BY SAFETY (free home security visits, smoke alarms and advice for vulnerable patients)

Where to find your local wellbeing centres: Wellbeing – Andover Mind

Test Valley (Andover)
Westbrook Close, South Street, Andover, SP10 2BN
tel: 01264 332297

North and Mid Hampshire Safe Haven – Andover Mind

tel: 0300 303 5772, You can drop in during the opening times 6-10pm, there’s no need for an appointment.
Located at the Andover Mind Wellbeing Centre, 3 Vyne Road, Basingstoke, RG21 5NL

Shingles Vaccine

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse / HCA (Health Care Assistant)

We will send you an invite for your shingles vaccine when you are eligible. If you think you have been missed please let us know.

Shingles vaccine overview – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Triage ANP / GP if worsening or persisting symptoms


Sinusitis is common and often takes 2-3 weeks to fully clear. It is usually caused by a virus and therefore antibiotics are not often recommended. If you have sinusitis symptoms, you can now seek advice and treatment through the Pharmacy First scheme, antibiotics will be provided if necessary directly from the Pharmacist without the need for GP involvement.

Some patients get relief from nasal rinses and decongestant sprays which can also be obtained from the chemist.

Nasal steroid sprays may also help, speak to the pharmacist for advice.

Sinusitis (sinus infection) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Acute Sinusitis | Symptoms and Treatment | Patient

Smoking Cessation

Who do I see?
Smokefree Hampshire

Andover PCN team


Stopping smoking isn’t easy, but giving up will greatly improve your own health as well as the health of your friends and family.

Self refer to this service via the link below:

Text QUIT to 66777

Call 01264 563039

Smokefree Hampshire | Your Stop Smoking Service or on social media @SFHampshire

Quit smoking – Better Heath – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

The Andover PCN also runs a stop smoking service at the Health Hub in the Chantry Centre – drop in between 10-11.30am or email iris.pidgeon1@nhs.net for an appointment.

Sore Penis

Who do I see?
Sexual Health Clinic

Triage ANP / GP


For concerns over possible sexually transmitted infections, please contact the clinic directly.

Andover – War Memorial Hospital | Lets Talk About It

In children the most common cause is balanitis and the triage team can help with this.

Balanitis – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Why is my penis smelly and sore? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Social Prescribing Service

Who do I see?
Health and Wellbeing Advisor from Andover PCN


Social Prescribing is a service that works alongside the team at the GP surgery. The social prescribers, also known as health and wellbeing advisors, accept referrals from the surgery to link patients to other community and non-clinical services. Our reception team can refer you or you can self refer through the Andover PCN website or visiting the team in the Health Hub in the Chantry Centre.

Health and wellbeing advisors are equipped to help with a range of issues, including;

Social isolation


Emotional wellbeing

Healthy lifestyle choices and help with weight loss

Loss of confidence

Poor health linked to housing problems

Accessing work

Social Prescribing – Andover Primary Care Network (andoverpcn.co.uk)

What is Social Prescribing? | NASP (socialprescribingacademy.org.uk)


Who do I see?

Self care

Minor Injuries Unit

First Contact Physiotherapist


Sprains and strains – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

For concerns about sprains and strains you can use Andover Minor Injuries Unit.

Andover Minor Injuries Clinic :: Hampshire Hospitals

If you have an ongoing issue following an injury then please book an appointment with our first contact physiotherapy team via reception.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy / Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)


Any eye issues can be seen directly by the ‘MECS’ without the need for a GP referral. Please see info leaflet below and contact the service directly.

Stye – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Styes – Moorfields Eye Hospital

Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) covers minor eye problems (primaryeyecare.co.uk)

Statin Medication

Who do I see?

Routine GP appointment

As part of your annual long term condition review


Statin medication is a type of drug treatment used to lower cholesterol, for some patients this is recommended to help protect you from conditions such as stroke and heart attack (also termed cardiovascular disease).

If you have a known diagnosis of cardiovascular disease (stroke, TIA, previous heart attack, coronary artery disease or angina) or chronic kidney disease then statin medication is recommended. Statins are also usually recommended to patients with diabetes.

Statins – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Statins are a type of medication used to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and protect the insides of the artery walls. | BHF

If you not do have cardiovascular disease, kidney disease or diabetes, then in order to determine who would benefit from statin medication we calculate something called your ‘cardiovascular risk score.’ The Q risk score is based on a number of variables including age, blood pressure, BMI, smoking status and cholesterol readings.

QRISK will categorise patients into low (<10%), moderate (10-20%) or high (>20%) risk groups. It is important to note that based on age alone once men reach 65 and women reach 70 you will automatically fall into a moderate risk group even if your blood pressure, weight, cholesterol etc are within the normal ranges!

The QRISK score is usually done as part of your annual medication or long term condition review.

If your score is above 10% then medical guidelines would advise that we alert you to this finding and have a discussion about lifestyle changes and statin medication with you.

It is important to note that lifestyle measures such as losing weight, increasing our activity levels and reducing alcohol intake are the most effective ways in which to reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease but for some patients statin medication will also have an important role.

Cardiovascular Risk Score (QRISK2) Patient Information Leaflet – Winchmore Hill Practice

The Q Intervention tool can tell you your QRISK score (risk of developing cardiovascular disease in the next ten years) and also your QDiabetes score (risk of developing diabetes in the next ten years). It also allows you to see the how this risk changes with different interventions such as losing weight or starting statin medication.


How do I lower my cholesterol? we answer 5 of your most common questions – BHF

Suicidal Thoughts (see also Mental Health Crisis section)

Termination of Pregnancy

Who do I see?

The termination of pregnancy service is for women who are pregnant and want to discuss their pregnancy options, which might include having a termination. Your local clinic will offer advice and information, and can help you with a hospital appointment if that is what you decide to do. You can self refer to this service through their website, there is no need for a GP referral.

Abortion clinics, Information, Advice and Treatment | BPAS

Abortion – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Marie Stopes


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy


Threadworms (pinworms) are tiny worms in your poo. They’re common in children and spread easily. You can treat them without seeing a GP (unless you are under 2 years old or pregnant or breastfeeding).

Threadworms – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Tiredness and Fatigue

Who do I see?
Routine GP Appointment

Feeling exhausted is so common that it has its own acronym, TATT, which stands for “tired all the time”.

There are numerous reasons for feeling tired, symptoms can be discussed with the GP to try and determine the likely cause. A blood test will often be recommended to check for certain things such as thyroid problems and low iron levels.

Sleep and tiredness – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Urinary Incontinence

Who do I see?
Routine GP Appointment


Urinary incontinence is the unintentional passing of urine. It’s a common problem thought to affect millions of people. The main risk factor is advancing age. There are several types of urinary incontinence, including:

  • Stress incontinence – when urine leaks out at times when your bladder is under pressure; for example, when you cough or laugh.
  • Urge incontinence – when urine leaks as you feel a sudden, intense urge to pee, or soon afterwards.

Stress incontinence is usually the result of the weakening of or damage to the muscles used to prevent urination, such as the pelvic floor muscles and the urethral sphincter.

Urge incontinence is usually the result of overactivity of the detrusor muscles, which control the bladder. Some patients will have symptoms of both types, known as mixed incontinence.

Urinary incontinence – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

There are a number of ways to help. Lifestyle changes can improve symptoms, these include weight loss and reduced caffeine intake. For stress incontinence symptoms it is recommended you have a 3 month trial of pelvic floor exercises. For urge incontinence or overactive bladder symptoms, bladder re training is advised. If exercises do not help then medication may be offered or a referral to women’s health physio or to the Urologist for consideration of surgery.

Pelvic Floor:

Home Page – Squeezy (squeezyapp.com)

How_to_exercise_your_pelvic_floor_muscles.pdf (hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk)

Pelvic Floor Exercises | Bladder & Bowel Community (bladderandbowel.org)

Your_referral_to_the_womens_health_physiotherapy_team.pdf (hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk)

Bladder Retraining:

65610Poveractivebladder.pdf (ouh.nhs.uk)

Retraining_your_bladder.pdf (hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk)

Urine Infections

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Triage ANP / GP

Urinary tract infections or ‘UTI’s are very common.

Typical symptoms include stinging or burning when you pass urine, pain in the lower abdomen or back, cloudy urine and needing to wee more frequently than normal.

If you have a very high temperature, are shivering or confused – seek help immediately.

If you suspect a urine infection and are aged 16-65 you can now access help through the Pharmacy First service who can prescribe antibiotics in the same way the Practice can.

If seeking help with the Practice for suspected UTI, you will usually be asked to provide a urine sample – sterile pots are available at reception.

If you are under 65 your urine sample can be ‘dipstick’ tested at the surgery to see if there is any infection or blood present. If you are over 65 the dipstick testing is inaccurate so your sample will be sent straight to the hospital for further analysis (this take 24-48hrs).

If you have typical symptoms and are female, you are likely to be prescribed an antibiotic for 3 days whilst we wait for the result from the hospital – this is the standard course of treatment. If you are male, you will be given a week long course of antibiotics.

Based on your results you may require a change in antibiotic or an extended course of treatment. We will always contact you if this is the case.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

TYI-UTI GenPract V23.5 UKHSA.pdf (rcgp.org.uk)

TARGET UTI leaflet for older adults V2.4 COVID-19 advice UKHSA.pdf (rcgp.org.uk)

Some patients struggle with recurrent urine infections. This information leaflet from West Suffolk Hospital is very informative, if you are having repeated episodes of UTIs then please speak to a GP in a routine appointment.

Urinary-Tract-Infections-recurrent-infections- (wsh.nhs.uk)


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy


Warts and verrucas – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

get-file.ashx (bad.org.uk)

Numerous treatments are available over the counter, a pharmacist will be able to advise on these.

Unfortunately we do not have any facility to freeze verruca’s at the surgery.


Who do I see?
Self Care / Community Pharmacy

Triage ANP / GP if persisting / concerned



Nausea and vomiting in adults is often short lived and nothing to worry about. It can be caused by a variety of issues including infections such as gastroenteritis and food poisoning, pregnancy, alcohol excess and some medications. If you are vomiting blood or have chest pain and nausea you must seek immediate advice.

Vomiting in adults | NHS inform


Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)


Most babies vomit small amounts from time to time and bring up some milk when they burp. This is known as possetting and is usually nothing to worry about. Vomiting can also be caused by reflux, milk allergy, a stomach bug or something called pyloric stenosis. Click the link below for more information.

My baby is vomiting :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Vomiting in Pregnancy:

Whilst simple morning sickness can be very common, some women will have significant nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, this is known as hyperemesis. Anti sickness medication can be provided to help with the symptoms.

Severe vomiting in pregnancy – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum? (pregnancysicknesssupport.org.uk)

bumps – best use of medicine in pregnancy (medicinesinpregnancy.org)

What To Do When Someone Dies At Home

Who do I see?
Medical Examiner Service


When a patient passes away, they must be verified dead by a medical practitioner, this can be a specialist nurse or a GP. You can call the surgery or use 111 if the surgery is closed. Once this has happened, the funeral directors can be contacted to collect the body.

A death certificate will be completed by the GP (unless the death is referred to the Coroner) and then sent electronically to the Medical Examiner service for review. The Medical Examiner will contact the NOK/named representative to guide you through the next steps, they will counter sign the death certificate and submit this to the Registrar.

Cremation forms are no longer in existence and have been replaced with the new death certificate.

What to do when someone dies – what should I do next? | Age UK

What to do when someone dies: step by step – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

What to do after a death – Citizens Advice

An overview of the death certification reforms – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Travel Advice and Vaccinations

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

Online resources


Some airlines are advising travellers who are bringing medication in their hand luggage that they should bring a letter from their medical practitioner confirming the type of medication and what it is for.

This is incorrect, if a passenger packs their medication in their hold luggage, they do not require any of their medical information.

If a passenger seeks to carry their essential medication in their cabin luggage, and the form of the medication contravenes aviation regulations e.g., the use of sharps, liquids more than 100ml or oxygen cylinders, they require the passenger to produce confirmation from their healthcare practitioner that the medication is necessary to be carried as it may be required on board.

We can offer you a private letter for this or patients can also provide proof of medical conditions and medication by showing airlines their medical records on the NHS App, by accessing their online medical record, or by getting a copy of their medical summary from their practice.

If a person is going to be abroad for over 3 months then all they are entitled to at NHS expense is a sufficient
supply of regular medications to get to the destination and find an alternative supply of that medication. The NHS accepts responsibility for supplying ongoing medication for temporary periods abroad of up to three months. This applies for both holidays and working abroad.

If a person is going to be abroad for more than three months, then only a sufficient supply of his/her regular medication should be provided to enable them to get to the destination and find an alternative supply. The patient should be advised to register with a local doctor for continuing medication, which they may need to pay for; the patient should check if the medicines required are available in the country being visited.

GP practice are not responsible for finding a doctor or ensuring medication supplies are available at the travel destination. The patient is responsible for finding and registering with a local doctor and for confirming a regular supply of their medication.

NHS prescriptions must never be obtained by relatives or friends on behalf of patients who are currently abroad.

Patients should check on arrangements for obtaining prescribed medicines in the country they intend to visit
before leaving the UK.

Can I take my medicine abroad? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

For vaccinations, please submit a travel form at least 6 weeks or more before travelling. Have a look at your destination on the NaTHNaC website to find out which vaccinations you will need.

Travel vaccinations – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

NaTHNaC – Country List (travelhealthpro.org.uk)

Home – Fit for Travel

Tetanus Injection

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse / HCA (Health Care Assistant)


Tetanus – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Thrush (Vaginal)

Who do I see?
Self-Help / Community Pharmacy

Sexual Health Clinic

You can obtain treatment for vaginal thrush easily over the counter as a cream or vaginal tablet (pessary). If you are unsure you can discuss with the pharmacist. There is more information here Thrush in men and women – NHS (www.nhs.uk).

If you are sexually active, you can also visit your local sexual health clinic for any concerns about vaginal discharge or possible sexually transmitted infections.

If you have frequent / recurrent episodes of thrush or your symptoms are not resolved with the usual treatments then please discuss this routinely with a GP.

Thrush (Oral)

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacist

Triage GP / ANP if for a baby under 4 months old or symptoms do not resolve with OTC treatment


Treatment is available over the counter from a pharmacist unless this is for a baby under 4 months of age. Steroid inhalers can cause oral thrush, be sure to use your spacer or rinse your mouth out following inhaler use.

Oral thrush (mouth thrush) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Oral Thrush. Causes, Symptoms & Treatment of oral thrush | Patient

My baby has thrush :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Vaginal Discharge

Who do I see?
Pharmacist / Sexual Health Clinic / Practice Nurse / GP

Your community Pharmacy can help with concerns over thrush infection, a common cause of vaginal discharge.

If there are any concerns over possible sexually transmitted infection, please contact the Andover sexual health clinic who are best placed to help and have access to more superior testing that the Practice. You can book appointments online.

Andover – War Memorial Hospital | Lets Talk About It

You can also book an appointment with your GP to discuss.

Further information about vaginal discharge available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Self referral or Sexual Health Clinic


A vasectomy should be considered as a permanent and irreversible method of contraception. It’s usually carried out under local anaesthetic, where you’re awake but don’t feel any pain, and takes about 15 minutes.

If you wish to be referred then please visit the Mid Hampshire Healthcare (MHH) website and complete the referral form.

Vasectomy (midhampshirehealthcare.co.uk)

There is more information on the procedure below.

Sterilisation (vasectomy and tubal occlusion) – Contraception – Sexwise

Vasectomy procedure specific information (wsh.nhs.uk)

Vitamin B12 Injection

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse or HCA


This injection must have been initially advised by the GP. If you are having continued injections you will need to be seen every 3 months for a further dose.

Further information about Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia, available from NHS UK.

Warfarin Monitoring

Who do I see?

Anticoagulation clinic

If you are a patient taking warfarin you should be under the care of the Anticoagulation Clinic run by the hospital. They will advise when your blood tests are due, you are welcome to have your blood test performed at the surgery or at AWMH Phlebotomy department.

If you are new to the area and taking warfarin blood thinning tablets, we can refer you for this service, please contact reception.

Patient resources :: Hampshire Hospitals

Warfarin FAQs available at Warfarin.pdf (hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk)

Weight Loss Support

Who do I see?
Online Resources

Social Prescribing service

Specialist Referral


There is so much advice available on different methods for weight loss it can be hard to know where to turn. Ultimately, it is about finding a method that is safe, effective and fits with your lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best things you can do to help keep healthy for the future.

Support for losing weight on the NHS is split into tiers.

Tier 1 means using free, accessible support and information to start your weight loss journey. Things like weight loss apps, advice from a nurse, social prescriber or pharmacist, NHS online support etc.

Lose weight – Better Health – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

NHS England » The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme

WEIGHT LOSS HACK: Eat MORE and LOSE Weight! (youtube.com) (10 part YouTube series from a GP)

The Andover PCN Social Prescribing team can support with weight loss and can be contacted by visiting the Health Hub in the Chantry Centre or here Andover Primary Care Network – A primary healthcare organisation committed to quality care and health improvement in the community (andoverpcn.co.uk)

Tier 2 services are delivered by local community weight management services, that provide community based diet, nutrition, lifestyle and behaviour change advice, normally in a group setting environment, services such as Weight Watchers or Slimming World. Normally people can only access these services for a limited time period (often only 12 weeks). Our local provider is ‘Gloji’ and we can refer you to this service or a 12 week weight loss programme if you complete the form here: Weight Management – Adelaide Medical Centre

Home – Gloji Hampshire

Tier 2 services also include accessing discounted gym memberships (see below).

Tier 3 services are provided by a clinician led multidisciplinary team usually including a specialist Consultant or GP, specialist nurse, specialist dietitian, psychologist, psychiatrist, and physiotherapist. These are specialist weight management clinics that provide non-surgical, intensive medical management.

Our local service is called The Weigh Ahead and requires you to complete a referral form and have a blood test prior. There are strict inclusion criteria and you must have completed Tier 1 and Tier 2 before being able to apply. Over a six-month programme the team will provide you with the tools and support you need to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle for the long-term. Through a programme that is tailored specifically to your needs, “The Weigh Ahead” aims to help you lose at least 5-10% of your excess body weight to achieve improved health outcomes.

You must be 16 or over

You must have a BMI of 35 or over and one or more weight related medical problem OR a BMI over 40

You must have completed Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions

You only get one opportunity to be referred

The Weigh Ahead (spirehealthcare.com)

If you meet the criteria and would like a referral you can collect a from from the receptionist.

There are some medications that can help with weight loss. The one that we can prescribe is called Orlistat.

Orlistat (Weight Loss Medicine) | Patient

The NHS has also begun licencing weight loss injections but these are currently not available for us to prescribe, this will likely change over the coming months. These are only currently available in the private sector.

Tier 4 services provide bariatric surgery and are only accessible after completion of the Tier 3 programme. A new referral is required and can be made 6 months after completion of the Tier 3.

Increasing activity levels will also help with weight loss:

home | Andover parkrun | Andover parkrun

Andover Leisure Centre | Gym & Pool | Places Leisure – Places Leisure – discounted memberships are available if you meet certain criteria, reception can help with this, no appointment needed but you need to fill in an application form.

I Can Therapy Centre – Power Assisted Exercise Facility in Andover